
甲克虫 Beatleseagles - pretty maids all in a row - hell free

时间:2006-05-23 16:00:00



pretty maids1 all in a row

所在专辑:《Hell freezes over》 演唱歌手:The Eagles
Hi there, how are you? It's been a long time.
Seems like we've come a long way.
My, but we learn so slow
and heroes they come and they go
and leave us behind as if we re's pposed to know why.
Why do we give up our hearts to the past?
And why must we grow up so fast?

And all you wishing well fools with your fortunes,
someone should send you a rose
with love from a friend. It's nice to hear from you again.
And the storybook comes to a close.
Gone are the ribbons2 and bows.
Things to remember, places to go,
pretty maids all in a row.



1 maids 855fcbe6ea76c7d63483e64aa4825881     
n.女仆( maid的名词复数 );女佣;少女;年轻的未婚女子
  • They have two maids who sleep in. 他们有两个住在他们家里的女仆。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I've changed maids several times, but none of them has worked out. 此外一个老妈子,换了好几次,始终不满意。 来自汉英文学 - 围城
2 ribbons aa3d8d2fa9eef2d3474d9a9d38f4ca5d     
n.带( ribbon的名词复数 );(打印机的)色带;绶带;带状物
  • Her hair was interlaced with ribbons and flowers. 她的头发上编扎着缎带和花。
  • Typewriter ribbons may be all black or black and red. 打字机的色带可以是全黑的或黑红色的。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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