
99首适合练习听力的英文歌 - 深夜陌生人 Strangers In The Night

时间:2014-01-02 08:24:55



深夜陌生人 Strangers In The Night

Strangers in the night exchanging glances. Wondering in the night, what were the chances we*d be sharing love before the night was through? Something in your eyes was so invithing; something in your smile was so exciting; something in my heart told me I must have you. Strangers in the night; two lonely people, we were strangers is the night. Up to the moment when we said our first hello, little did we know love was just a glance away-a warm embracing1 dance away. And ever since that night, we*ve been together. Lovers2 at first sight in love forever. It turned out so right for strangers in the night.



1 embracing a0414dd9348b4a2739aae0ea6251a507     
拥抱( embrace的现在分词 ); 包括; 包含; 接受
  • You can not possibly make an all-embracing proposal. 你不可能提出一个包罗万象的建议。
  • To embrace her was like embracing a jointed wooden image. 若是拥抱她,那感觉活像拥抱一块木疙瘩。 来自英汉文学
2 lovers 8dae58e3f282b974328d53f96753f4c1     
爱好者( lover的名词复数 ); 情人; 情夫; 情侣
  • They were off-screen lovers. 他们是真实生活中的情侣。
  • Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧和朱丽叶这一对莎士比亚笔下命运多舛的恋人

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