听歌学英语:天赐恩宠 Amazing Grace
时间:2020-03-20 10:38:47
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound奇恩异典,如此甘甜
That saved a
wretch1 like me卑微如我,亦获赦免
I once was lost but now am found终日彷徨,漫漫长夜
Was blind, but now I see如炬之火,指引向前
It was Grace that taught my heart to fear造物之主,敬畏油然
And Grace, my fears relieved天降甘霖,惧怖消泯
How precious did that grace appear如斯珍贵,美玉生烟
The hour I first believed大梦初醒,欣然向往
We have already come风霜雨雪,圣光同在
It was Grace that brought us safe thus far乡音切切,似回桃源
And Grace will lead us home似曾相识,千年之后
When we've been here a thousand years奇恩异典,煌煌如昼
Bright shining as the sun回眸远眺,旭日初升
We've no less days to sing God's praise仰望吾主,终获永生
Than when we've first begun哈利路亚,齐声咏赞
signs of incipient unrest动乱的初期迹象
an incipient economic recovery...初期的经济复苏
inimical [ɪˈnɪmɪkl] adj. 敌意的;有害的;不友好的
These policies are inimical to the interests of society.这些政策有损于社会的利益。
His policies are inimical to academic freedom. 他的政策不利于学术自由。
Japanese men have
deliberately5 constructed practices inimical to working women.日本男人故意建立起了不利于职场女性的惯例。
Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion. 请勿发表与讨论主题无关的言论。