
死亡约会 Part II Chapter 4(2)

时间:2024-09-19 09:14:48




Are you sure, M. Poirot, that this is not a case of Roman Holiday?’

Poirot smiled. ‘The private lives of a family upset and disturbed—so that Hercule Poirot canplay a little game of detection to amuse himself?’

‘I didn’t mean to be offensive—but isn’t it a little like that?’

‘You, then, are on the side of the famille Boynton, mademoiselle?’

‘I think I am. They’ve suffered a good deal. They—they oughtn’t to have to stand any more.’

‘And la Maman, she was unpleasant, tyrannical, disagreeable and decidedly better dead thanalive? That also—hein?’

‘When you put it like that—’ Sarah paused, flushed, went on: ‘One shouldn’t, I agree, take thatinto consideration.’

‘But all the same—one does! That is, you do, mademoiselle! I—do not! To me it is all the same.

The victim may be one of the good God’s saints—or, on the contrary—a monster of infamy. Itmoves me not. The fact is the same. A life—taken! I say it always—I do not approve of murder.’

‘Murder?’ Sarah drew in her breath sharply. ‘But what evidence of that is there? The flimsiestimaginable! Dr Gerard himself cannot be sure!’

Poirot said quietly: ‘But there is other evidence, mademoiselle.’

‘What evidence?’ Her voice was sharp.

‘The mark of a hypodermic puncture upon the dead woman’s wrist. And something more still—some words that I overheard spoken in Jerusalem on a clear, still night when I went to close mybedroom window. Shall I tell you what those words were, Miss King? They were these. I heardMr Raymond Boynton say: “You do see, don’t you, that she’s got to be killed?”’

He saw the colour drain slowly from Sarah’s face.

She said: ‘You heard that?’


The girl stared straight ahead of her.

She said at last: ‘It would be you who heard it!’

He acquiesced.

‘Yes, it would be me. These things happen. You see now why I think there should be aninvestigation?’

Sarah said quietly: ‘I think you are quite right.’

‘Ah! And you will help me?’


Her tone was matter-of-fact—unemotional. Her eyes met his coolly.

Poirot bowed. ‘Thank you, mademoiselle. Now I will ask you to tell me in your own wordsexactly what you can remember of that particular day.’

Sarah considered for a moment.

‘Let me see. I went on an expedition in the morning. None of the Boyntons were with us. I sawthem at lunch. They were finishing as we came in. Mrs Boynton seemed in an unusually goodtemper.’

‘She was not usually amiable, I understand.’

‘Very far from it,’ said Sarah with a slight grimace.

She then described how Mrs Boynton had released her family from attendance on her.

‘That too, was unusual?’

‘Yes. She usually kept them around her.’

‘Do you think, perhaps, that she suddenly felt remorseful—that she had what is called—un bonmoment?’

‘No, I don’t,’ said Sarah bluntly.

‘What did you think, then?’

‘I was puzzled. I suspected it was something of the cat-and-mouse order.’

‘If you would elaborate, mademoiselle?’

‘A cat enjoys letting a mouse away—and then catching it again. Mrs Boynton had that kind ofmentality. I thought she was up to some new devilry or other.’

‘What happened next, mademoiselle?’

‘The Boyntons started off—’

‘All of them?’

‘No, the youngest, Ginevra, was left behind. She was told to go and rest.’

‘Did she wish to do so?’

‘No. But that didn’t matter. She did what she was told. The others started off. Dr Gerard and Ijoined them—’

‘When was this?’

‘About half-past three.’

‘Where was Mrs Boynton then?’

‘Nadine—young Mrs Boynton—had settled her in her chair outside her cave.’




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