Apple Inc. unveiled its new water- and dust-resistant iPhone 7 and a new version of its Apple Watch with high-resolution cameras at its fall product e...
What Makes a GREAT Teacher? 家长眼里,什么样的老师才是伟大的老师? In my humble opinion, teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world. You...
As you progress from high school to college and into graduate school, you'll find that your lectures can get much more complex. Sometimes it's not eas...
People are naturally destructive. They alter conversations, divulge pointless information, and spread toxicity in their wake. Such individuals dont de...
5.迪拜又放大招 酒店自带雨林
6.库克高歌视频暖场iPhone 7发布会
苹果秋季发布会在旧金山的比尔?格雷厄姆市政礼堂举行。苹果CEO库克一举打破严肃高冷人设,坐着深夜秀主持人的车热情高歌前往发布会现场。又唱One Republic又戴搞...
7.印度首富百亿美元建4G网 免费向全国提供
India's richest man is rolling out a $20 billion mobile network that could bring lightning-fast Internet to hundreds of millions of people. 印度首富正...
As Amy Winehouse once said: Love is a losing game . 歌手艾米`怀恩豪斯曾经说过:爱是一场注定失败的游戏。 It certainly is for a young man from Guangzhou...
A soldier working during the G20 summit in China has been hailed as the 'prettiest bodyguard' on China's social media sites. 在中国G20峰会上工作的一位...
10.如何对 “放弃” 说不!
What do you do to motivate yourself when you are about to give up? 在你濒临放弃边缘时,如何激励自己再次前行? 获得145好评的回答@Ariel Banayan: STEP 1:...