Now this brings us to our next pattern, which is body language. 这引出了下一个模式,那就是肢体语言。 With body language, here's what you've got to do....
Okay, what were the telltale signs? Well first we heard what's known as a non-contracted denial. 好,破绽是哪些呢?首先,我们听到一个正式的否定形式。 ...
What do you do? Well, there are steps we can take to navigate our way through the morass. 怎么办呢?有几个步骤可以指导我们走出迷雾。 Trained liespotte...
We're hardwired to become leaders of the pack. 我们天生就喜欢做领导。 It's starts really, really early. How early? 这从很早很早就开始了。多早? Well b...
Lying's complex. It's woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives. 说谎这事挺复杂的。这跟我们的日常生活与工作交织在一起。 We're deeply a...
And we all kind of hate to admit it. 我们都不愿承认。 You know, we kind of wish we were better husbands, better wives, smarter, more powerful, taller,...
But there are times when we are unwilling participants in deception. 而有时候我们不愿意参与说谎。 And that can have dramatic costs for us. 而这时,我...
So before I get started, what I'm going to do is I'm going to clarify my goal for you, which is not to teach a game of Gotcha. 切入主题之前,我先澄清...
Okay, now I don't want to alarm anybody in this room, but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar. 我不想吓唬你们,但是...
Well it did. But it turns out, it doesn't remind me of the thing I thought it would; it reminds me constantly of something else instead. 不过确实是只...