When I was nine years old, I went off to summer camp for the first time. 当我九岁的时候,我第一次去参加夏令营。 And my mother packed me a suitcase ful...
You can get video annotations of the events that you're reading about. 你可以看到事件的视频报道。 You can get the latest sports scores, etc. This is a...
So we see Pranav here going into the supermarket and he's shopping for some paper towels. 我们看到Pranav现在去了超市,他打算买一些纸巾。 And, as he pi...
So, some of you most likely were here two years ago and saw the demo by Jeff Han, 你们当中有些人两年前在这里应该看过Jeff Han演示微软的Surface系统, or...
I'm wearing a camera, just a simple web cam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a little mirror. 我佩戴着一个相机,就是一个简单的网络...
I've been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop a sixth sense 有一个问题我思考了很久,就是我们能否进化出一种第六感官。 a se...
Every time I am home I am confronted with the usual sources of irritation for most Nigerians: our failed infrastructure, our failed government, 我每次...
Shortly after he published my first novel, I went to a TV station in Lagos to do an interview, 在他发布了我的第一部小说的不久后,我前往拉各斯的一家电...
Of course, Africa is a continent full of catastrophes: 当然了,非洲大陆充满了灾难: There are immense ones, such as the horrific rapes in Congo and de...
When I learned, some years ago, that writers were expected to have had really unhappy childhoods to be successful, 当我多年前听说作家们必须有极其不幸...