1.2021年经济学人 火山卤水矿,真正的绿色来源(2)
As he writes in Open Science, he suspects these are found beneath every active and dormant volcano, though the concentration of copper in the brine co...
2.2021年经济学人 火山卤水矿,真正的绿色来源(1)
Science technology 科技板块 Copper gushers 铜井 Brine mines 卤水矿 People may one day drill for copper as they now drill for oil 也许有一天,人们会像...
3.2021年经济学人 会唱歌的鸟儿爱吃糖(2)
To find out, they cloned T1R1-T1R3 receptors from a variety of songbirds and tested their responses to sugar. 为了找到答案,他们从各种鸣禽中克隆了T1R1...
4.2021年经济学人 会唱歌的鸟儿爱吃糖(1)
Science technology 科技板块 The origin of songbirds 鸣禽的起源 The sweet taste of success 成功的甜蜜滋味 Songbirds can detect sugar. That may explain ...
5.2021年经济学人 恐龙曾“落户”北极(2)
Until now, no such hatchlings had been found, and the only known polar dinosaur eggs were from the Kakanaut formation of north-eastern Russia, which w...
6.2021年经济学人 恐龙曾“落户”北极(1)
Science technology 科技板块 Palaeontology 古生物学 Arctic dinosaurs 北极的恐龙 Dinosaurs once flourished near the North Pole 恐龙曾经在北极附近繁盛 Mo...
7.2021年经济学人 隧道杀手,让你无处遁形(2)
Resead's real secret, though, is in the way it handles the incoming data. 然而,Resead真正的秘密在于它处理传入数据的方式。 First, these are pre-crunch...
8.2021年经济学人 隧道杀手,让你无处遁形(1)
Underground warfare 地道战 Tunnel vision 隧道视觉 A new system of sensors can detect troglodytic enemy activity 一种新的传感器系统可以探测到穴道敌人的...
9.2021年经济学人 比尔盖茨携手巴菲特共建新一代核电站(3)
It all looks good on paper. But then, nuclear power always does. The industry has been plagued by delays and cost overruns for decades. 从纸上看一切都...
10.2021年经济学人 比尔盖茨携手巴菲特共建新一代核电站(2)
Natrium employs hot, liquid sodium as a coolant, and dispenses with the moderator entirely. 钠采用热的液态钠作为冷却剂,完全省去了慢化剂。 This is ano...