1.2021年经济学人 B站--野心勃勃的"中国版YouTube"(1)
Business 商业版块 Entertainment 娱乐专栏 Billing, billing 声名显赫 Chinas YouTube wants to be its Netflixand more 中国版油管想成为中国版网飞而且还不止...
2.2021年经济学人 总能逆风翻盘的欧盟怎么折在了疫情上?(4)
This lack of urgency is a symptom of a much bigger problem: the neglect of the underlying health of Europes economies. Even with its new money, the EU...
3.2021年经济学人 总能逆风翻盘的欧盟怎么折在了疫情上?(3)
Hardly. Her team focused too much on price and too little on security of supply. They haggled pointlessly over liability should vaccines cause harm. E...
4.2021年经济学人 总能逆风翻盘的欧盟怎么折在了疫情上?(2)
Part of Europes problem is demography. EU populations are old by global standards, making them more susceptible to the disease. Other less well unders...
5.2021年经济学人 总能逆风翻盘的欧盟怎么折在了疫情上?(1)
Leaders 社论 The pandemic in Europe 欧洲疫情 What has gone wrong? 问题究竟出在哪里? The European Union has handled covid-19 poorly. Why, and what doe...
6.2021年经济学人 一周要闻 美联储上调美国经济和通胀预期
Emmanuel Faber was ousted as chairman and chief executive of Danone, 法国达能(Danone)食品公司董事长兼首席执行官费柏尔(Emmanuel Faber)被免职。 followin...
7.2021年经济学人 中国做大金融开放蛋糕,不再担心"狼来了"(4)
There is still tremendous scope for growth. In the onshore stockmarket foreigners hold nearly 5% of Chinese shares; by comparison, foreigners own abou...
8.2021年经济学人 中国做大金融开放蛋糕,不再担心"狼来了"(3)
Part of that is a hedge-fund industry with Chinese characteristics. Regulators forbid the short-selling of individual stocks. But scores of big invest...
9.2021年经济学人 中国做大金融开放蛋糕,不再担心"狼来了"(2)
Banks, despite their conservative exterior, had a big hand in shadow financing. They got around caps on deposit rates by funnelling savings into opaqu...
10.2021年经济学人 百度--下一个风口(2)
Baidus bosses appear to recognise as much. The firm is rapidly diversifying. Last November it agreed to buy YY Live, a video-sharing and live-streamin...