1.2021年经济学人 如何训练奶牛上厕所(1)
Now, in the hope of fighting climate change, Dr Jan Langbein, of the Fredrich-Loweffler-Institut in Germany, and his colleagues hope they can train co...
2.2021年经济学人 Epic与Apple的反垄断大战(2)
On closer inspection, the bag begins to look decidedly mixed for the tech giant. 经进一步审视发现,对于这家科技巨头来说,这个结果显然是喜忧参半的。 Th...
3.2021年经济学人 Epic与Apple的反垄断大战(1)
Business 商业 Big tech and antitrust - An unEpic victory 科技巨头和反垄断一场非Epic的胜利(译者注:unEpic为双关,既指这场官司的获胜方不是Epic,也指这...
4.2021年经济学人 英国放弃抵抗,愿与病毒共存
Britain 英国板块 Covid-19 新冠病毒 Living with it 共存 The government accepts that it cannot defeat the virus 政府承认无法战胜病毒 Once upon a time, n...
5.2021年经济学人 欧盟为可食用昆虫开绿灯
Europe 欧洲板块 Edible insects 可食用昆虫 A bug's life 虫子的一生 The EU lets farm animals and people eat insects 欧盟允许家畜和人类吃昆虫 First it wa...
6.2021年经济学人 日本首相菅义伟宣布辞职
The world this week - Politics 本周国际要闻政治 The Taliban announced an interim government for Afghanistan. 塔利班宣布成立阿富汗临时政府。 The new ca...
7.2021年经济学人 萨尔瓦多的比特币合法化开局不顺
Business 商业 El Salvadors roll-out of bitcoin as legal tender got off to a shaky start. 萨尔瓦多推出比特币作为法定货币的开局并不顺利。 The Central Am...
8.2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(4)
In its most severe scenario there was a sudden change in climate policy alongside rapid progress in renewable energy development, causing a double sho...
9.2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(3)
The value of financial assets exposed to transition risk is potentially very large. 暴露在转型风险之下的金融资产的价值可能非常大。 According to Carbon...
10.2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(3)
The value of financial assets exposed to transition risk is potentially very large. 暴露在转型风险之下的金融资产的价值可能非常大。 According to Carbon...