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听力教程 > 《风语河岸柳》中英双语有声读物
1.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(6)
The Toad never answered a word, so they went to see what was the matter with him. 癞蛤蟆不答一句话,因此他们走过去看看他是怎么了。 They found him sitt...
2.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(5)
Then they heard a noise behind them, and looking back, they saw a small cloud of dust. It made a 'Poop-poop! 'sound, and it was coming towards them ve...
3.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(4)
In the end, of course, the Rat agreed to go, and by the evening they found themselves on a lonely hillside miles from home. 最后,当然,水鼠同意去了。...
4.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(3)
When they came down the steps again, the Toad was still talking excitedly to the Mole. 当他们再次踩踏脚板下来时,蛤蟆仍兴奋地对鼹鼠说: So you see, ev...
5.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(2)
The Rat looked around him. 水鼠看了看他的周围,说: I see that all the boats are out of the water, 'he said. 我发现所有的船都没停在水里, I suppose To...
6.《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(1)
Chapter 2 The open road 第2章 宽敞的公路 One bright summer morning the Mole and the Rat were out on the river bank, watching the world go by. 一个灿烂...
7.《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(9)
The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all. 鼹鼠用木桨在水面上划过很大的弧度,但双桨根本挨不着...
8.《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(8)
The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all. 鼹鼠用木桨在水面上划过很大的弧度,但双桨根本挨不着...
9.《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(7)
There was just a long line of bubbles in the river. 河面上仅仅留下了一长串水泡。 The Rat sang a little song to himself, and the Mole remembered that i...
10.《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(6)
Toad's out, for one, replied the Otter. 癞蛤蟆出来了,算他一个,水獭回答道。 In his shiny new boat. He's got new boating clothes, and everything! 坐在...