1.2021双语新闻 15岁女孩一夜爆红,半小时写出B站神曲
搜索 复制 Vlogger tops charts 15岁女孩一夜爆红,半小时写出B站神曲 She got a beautiful eye, walk in a line, smile with her type; She knows all about li...
2.2021双语新闻 环保新时尚:塑料瓶变衣服
搜索 复制 From plastic to clothing 环保新时尚:塑料瓶变衣服 It might be strange to wear clothes made out of plastic bottles. 穿用塑料瓶制成的衣服可能...
3.2021双语新闻 西南联大:战火中的青春
搜索 复制 Universitys enduring impact 西南联大:战火中的青春 Few universities in the world are so intimately tied to a nations founding and developmen...
4.2021双语新闻 青年人才挑起中国科研大梁
搜索 复制 Fresh face of science 青年人才挑起中国科研大梁 During a discussion with young Chinese people in 2013, President Xi Jinping praised them as t...
5.2021双语新闻 建党百年历史中,那些闪闪发光的名字
搜索 复制 Restore a nation 建党百年历史中,那些闪闪发光的名字 A huge lineup of actors and actresses including Wang Kai, Jin Dong, Wang Yibo and Zhao L...
6.2021双语新闻 送别袁隆平:侠之大者,国之仁士
搜索 复制 Celebrate selfless spirit 送别袁隆平:侠之大者,国之仁士 Although May 24 was a working day, thousands of people wearing black went to the Mi...
7.2021双语新闻 "单口喜剧"用笑点暴击痛点,用幽默跟生活和解
搜索 复制 Barrel of laughs 单口喜剧用笑点暴击痛点,用幽默跟生活和解 Sue Liu, 29, is a primary school teacher in Beijing. 29岁的苏刘(音)是北京的一名...
8.2021双语新闻 冬奥会的冰是怎么"冻"出来的?
搜索 复制 Beneath Olympic ice 冬奥会的冰是怎么冻出来的? Although the weather is very hot now, the carnival of ice and snow is getting closer. 虽然现...
9.2021双语新闻 清华大学成立"芯片学院"
搜索 复制 Building a space station 天和升空!中国空间站建设迈出关键一步 As the countdown ticked down to zero at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Ha...
10.2021双语新闻 天和升空!中国空间站建设迈出关键一步
Building a space station 天和升空!中国空间站建设迈出关键一步 As the countdown ticked down to zero at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan provi...