
最新15篇文章贯通英语四级词汇MP3 Unit14-Part5

时间:2010-11-20 05:04:54



[00:02.07]What kind of accommodations
[00:04.69]will we enjoy? We are
[00:06.66]used to having more than
[00:08.63]adequate housing so we would
[00:10.60]not enjoy having to convert
[00:12.03]to a smaller residence.
[00:14.10]The access to our homes might
[00:16.72]be controlled for security reasons.
[00:19.35]Our entry might be gained
[00:21.76]by having a computer
[00:23.29]read our fingerprint1 to
[00:24.39]see if it will correspond
[00:26.03]to the one on record to
[00:27.88]detect if the right person
[00:29.86]is trying to enter the residence.
[00:31.82]Some suggestions are that
[00:34.45]it would be better to
[00:35.76]use the print of a thumb
[00:37.08]so the thumbprint would be
[00:39.15]used instead of a fingerprint.
[00:41.45]Both are a possibility.
[00:43.75]Our garbage will be put
[00:47.14]in a garbage disposal unit
[00:49.00]that will eliminate the need
[00:51.41]for trash collection. Light bulbs
[00:53.60]will seldom need to
[00:55.89]be replaced, as they will
[00:57.54]be made to last a minimum
[00:58.95]of five and a maximum
[01:00.93]of ten years. To decorate
[01:04.21]our homes, we might just
[01:06.39]give a description of what
[01:08.15]we want and have it
[01:09.68]completed by an interior
[01:11.21]decorator with little interaction
[01:13.84]required from us. We could
[01:15.70]have our choice of background
[01:17.99]music played throughout the house,
[01:20.07]or varied2 from room to room.
[01:22.15]We might hear a symphony orchestra
[01:25.00]in one room and jazz in another.
[01:28.28]Will we have the luxury
[01:30.58]of having a maid
[01:32.00]do our cleaning or will
[01:33.75]that be unnecessary, as our
[01:35.50]home will become self cleaning?
[01:37.58]Will we use soap and
[01:40.75]water to do our laundry
[01:42.83]or will another method
[01:44.69]that is friendly to
[01:46.00]the environment be developed?
[01:47.64]Will we use a furnace
[01:49.61]to heat our home or
[01:51.25]will we control the micro
[01:52.68]climate indoors by the
[01:54.43]use of solar power?
[01:56.51]For people who live
[01:59.35]in a home in the suburbs
[02:00.77]will the tedious chore
[02:02.19]of mowing3 the lawn be
[02:03.94]accomplished in an efficient way
[02:05.91]by a robotic mower4?
[02:07.55]Will weeds in our grass
[02:09.85]merely vanish as the mower
[02:11.93]emits a time release
[02:13.25]chemical to destroy them



1 fingerprint 4kXxX     
  • The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.指纹专家应邀出庭作证。
  • The court heard evidence from a fingerprint expert.法院听取了指纹专家的证词。
2 varied giIw9     
  • The forms of art are many and varied.艺术的形式是多种多样的。
  • The hotel has a varied programme of nightly entertainment.宾馆有各种晚间娱乐活动。
3 mowing 2624de577751cbaf6c6d7c6a554512ef     
n.割草,一次收割量,牧草地v.刈,割( mow的现在分词 )
  • The lawn needs mowing. 这草坪的草该割了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • "Do you use it for mowing?" “你是用它割草么?” 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
4 mower Bn9zgq     
  • We need a lawn mower to cut the grass.我们需要一台草坪修剪机来割草。
  • Your big lawn mower is just the job for the high grass.割高草时正需要你的大割草机。

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