
听电影学英语-朱莉与朱莉娅 21

时间:2011-03-03 03:11:04



  [00:23.10]Eric, come see the world’s most beautiful chicken. Eric,快来看这世界上最美的烤鸡
[00:37.02]Naughty. 调皮
[00:45.78]Wow. 喔
[00:48.14]Oh, my God. 天呐
[00:51.94]It feels so good. No, I’m serious. I love it! 我觉得很好吃,我说真的,我喜欢
[00:57.30]I just want to savor2 this moment. 我太想珍藏这一刻了
[01:00.66]The moment that you can just imagine they’re going to love everything you did 此时你可以幻想 人们喜欢我这本书
[01:01.38]The moment when anything is possible. 此刻一切都充满了可能
[01:05.66]and it’s going to sell a million copies and change the world. 然后买上个几百万本 我的书有改变世界的魔力
[01:14.02]Yes. But I think it calls for a great bottle of wine. 是的,但我觉得我还需要一瓶酒
[01:17.78]- Don’t you think? - Yes. - 你觉得呢? - 对
[01:19.10]What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

[01:25.42]What if she doesn’t eat pork? 如果她不吃猪肉怎么办?
[01:27.14]She’s a food writer. Of course she eats pork. You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. 她是个美食评论家,当然吃猪肉了 你会没事的,会没事的
[01:30.98]You’re right. I know you’re right. I’m sure you’re right. 你是对的,我知道你是对的,我肯定
[01:33.90]- Is she early? - She’s right on time. - 她提前了吗? - 她很准时
[01:35.54]- I’ll finish, I’ll finish. - Thank you, thank you. - 我来收尾,我来 - 谢谢,谢谢
[01:38.78]You are a terrible human being. And very difficult to live with. 你是个很变态的人 而且很难相处
[01:43.34]Who is it? 谁啊?
[01:45.02]Amanda Hesser from The New York Times. 纽约时报的Amanda Hesser
[01:48.02]Come in. 请进
[01:55.66]You have such a sense of Julia when you do something like this, 当你做这些美食的时候 你会觉得Julia就在身边
[01:57.06]as a teacher, as a voice. 作为你的指导者,你的心声
[01:59.62]I have conversations with her while I’m cooking. 我觉得我在烹饪的时候就是在与她交流
[02:03.82]And I feel like she is there with me in the kitchen. 我能感觉到她就在我的厨房里
[02:06.10]She’s like your imaginary friend. 她是你想象中的朋友
[02:07.86]Yes. 对
[02:10.26]And, of course, she is the person I write for every day. 当然,我每天就是为她在写博客
[02:13.18]Although, I don’t think she ever reads it. I don’t know. 虽然我不知道,她是否读过
[02:15.14]I’m dying to meet her. 我非常的想与她见面
[02:17.14]I would like to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in 1946. 我曾幻想可以回到1946年去当她的伴娘
[02:22.58]I realize that that would take an inexplicable3 episode of time travel, 后来我意识到 这需要时间旅行才行
[02:26.86]but that is the sort of thing that I think about. 但是我确实想过要这么做
[02:29.74]We’re planning a pilgrimage to Julia’s Cambridge kitchen 等这一切结束了,我们打算去

  [02:30.62]in the Smithsonian museum when this is over. 史密森尼博物馆里Julia的厨房参观
[02:33.94]But first, I have to finish. I have 15 days and 24 recipes, 但是首先,我得完成计划  我剩15天,还有24份菜谱
[02:38.78]and I still have to bone a duck. 我还得给一只鸭子剔骨
[02:46.54]I read somewhere that it was bad form to say "yum" while you’re eating, but "yum." 我曾经在那本书读过,在吃饭的时候说 “好吃极了”不好,但是还是忍不住要说“真是好吃”
[03:13.70]Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, this is Julie Powell. Please hold. 这里是曼哈顿下城发展公司 我是Julie Powell,请稍等
[03:18.94]Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, this is Julie Powell. Can you hold? 这里是曼哈顿下城发展公司 我是Julie Powell,能稍等一下吗?
[03:22.22]- Lower Manhattan Development... - Julie, it’s Sarah. - 曼哈顿下城发展公司… - Julie,我是Sarah
[03:22.74]- Yes. - Great. - 可以 - 太好了
[03:25.70]The New York Times. I can’t believe it! 纽约时报,简直难以置信
[03:27.42]I know. I know, I know, I know, I know. Can I call you back? 我知道,我知道,我一会打给你好吗?
[03:31.38]I have to call you back. Hold on. 我一会再打给你,稍等
[03:32.46]Hello, this is Julie Powell. How can I help you? 你好,我是Julie Powell,有什么可以帮你的吗?
[03:36.66]- Hi. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嘿
[03:41.14]Guess what? Messages on machine? 猜猜,有多少条电话留言?
[03:46.10]Sixty-five. 65条
[03:47.58]- Sixty-five? - Sixty-five. - 65条? - 65条
[03:53.22]If this is the Julie Powell in this morning’s New York Times, this is Judy Clain. 是今早纽约时报上的Julie Powell吗?
[03:57.62]I’m an editor at Little Brown and I wanted to talk to you about 我是小布朗图书公司的编辑Judy Clain 我想和你谈谈
[04:01.62]whether you were interested in writing a book. 你有兴趣出书吗?
[04:01.86]You can call me at (212) 049-0067. 有的话请打电话给我(212)049-0067
[04:10.14]Hi, this is Sarah Chalfant. I am a literary agent. 你好,我是Sarah Chalfant 我是一名文学经纪人
[04:11.14]I don’t know if you have an agent, 如果你需要经纪人的话
[04:13.50]but I would love to talk to you about representing you. 我很乐意帮你推广自己
[04:16.70]- I’m a producer at the CBS Morning News. - Eric, I’m going to be a writer! - 我是CBS晨间新闻的制作人 - Eric,我要当作家了
[04:20.06]You are a writer. 你已经是作家了
[04:25.58]This is Ruth Spungen, I’m an editor at Food & Wine Magazine. 我是美酒佳肴杂志的编辑Ruth Spungen
[04:28.46]Please give me a call at (212) 157-3245. 请给我回一个电话(212)157-3245
[04:34.22]- I have to make a pear tart4. - Later. - 我还要做一个水果梨馅饼 - 一会再做吧
[04:34.98]Hi. It’s Mom. You’re in The New York Times! 嗨,我是妈妈,我看到你上纽约时报了

  [04:40.86]I can’t tell ya, everybody is calling. 我禁不住想告诉每个认识的人
[04:41.74]And Aunt Jessie’s cousin Dorrie in Abilene, 连住在堪萨斯州
[04:46.82]the one with the husband who won the pie-eating contest 的Jessie姨妈的表姐Dorrie都听说了
[04:47.14]and is a crossword5 puzzle nut, 就是她老公赢得吃馅饼大赛和填字游戏的那个
[04:51.22]they have a subscription6 to The New York Times. They saw it in Abilene. 他们也订了纽约时报,也看到你的报道了
[04:53.10]Everyone is so excited! 每个人都很兴奋!
[04:55.58]This is Ken1 Dryer7. I’m an editor at Random8 House, 我是Ken Dryer 我是居家杂志的编辑
[04:59.58]and I just read your blog and it’s great. And we’d love to publish something. 我刚刚读了你的博客,写的很棒 我们想要出版它



1 ken k3WxV     
  • Such things are beyond my ken.我可不懂这些事。
  • Abstract words are beyond the ken of children.抽象的言辞超出小孩所理解的范围.
2 savor bCizT     
  • The soup has a savor of onion.这汤有洋葱味。
  • His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.他幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。
3 inexplicable tbCzf     
  • It is now inexplicable how that development was misinterpreted.当时对这一事态发展的错误理解究竟是怎么产生的,现在已经无法说清楚了。
  • There are many things which are inexplicable by science.有很多事科学还无法解释。
4 tart 0qIwH     
  • She was learning how to make a fruit tart in class.她正在课上学习如何制作水果馅饼。
  • She replied in her usual tart and offhand way.她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。
5 crossword VvOzBj     
  • He shows a great interest in crossword puzzles.他对填字游戏表现出很大兴趣。
  • Don't chuck yesterday's paper out.I still haven't done the crossword.别扔了昨天的报纸,我还没做字谜游戏呢。
6 subscription qH8zt     
  • We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。
  • Subscription selling bloomed splendidly.订阅销售量激增。
7 dryer PrYxf     
  • He bought a dryer yesterday.他昨天买了一台干燥机。
  • There is a washer and a dryer in the basement.地下室里有洗衣机和烘干机。
8 random HT9xd     
  • The list is arranged in a random order.名单排列不分先后。
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。

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