
听电影学英语-超级奶爸 15

时间:2011-04-03 03:19:51



  [00:01.58]One day, I get a Letter.  有一天我收到封信
[00:05.38]No more dad.  爸爸没了
[00:07.82]That's terrible.  太糟糕了
[00:11.98]For a Long time I thought if I talked about it, I was Letting him down.  很长一段时间我认为向别人提起这事会让他失望
[00:18.10]Like I was supposed to be brave or something.  就好像我一定要变的勇敢或是怎么样
[00:22.74]Yeah.  是的
[00:28.78]It's okay to talk about your dad, Zoe.  你可以向别人提起你爸爸的 邹易.
[00:35.90]I do miss him so much.  我很想他
[00:42.66]I don't know, I just...  我不知道,我只是
[00:42.90]I wanna be strong for Lulu and Tyler and Peter  我想LuIu TyIer Peter 他们面前表现的坚强
[00:47.38]and Seth and my mom.  还有Seth跟妈妈
[00:48.90]That's such a big burden1 to carry.  担子好重啊
[00:57.26]I know.  我知道
[00:59.34](sobbing) I miss him so much.  我真的很想他
[01:02.22]It's okay to miss your dad.  你可以想你爸爸的
[01:09.78]- (phone rings) - (Wolfe) I'll get it.  我去接
[01:14.82]- Really? - Yes.  真的? 是
[01:15.62]- Really? - Yes.  真的? 是
[01:19.34]Seth! Seth! Guess what? Mom's coming home.  Seth! Seth! 猜怎么着 妈妈要回来了
[01:20.82]- When? - Tomorrow! She's coming home tomorrow!  什么时候? 明天!她明天就回来了!
[01:25.30]- When did you talk? - Mommy's coming.  你什么时候接的电话? 妈妈要回来了
[01:28.06]Mom's coming home!  妈妈要回来了!
[01:28.14]Here, buddy2, Mommy's coming home!  嘿,伙计 妈妈要回来了!
[01:30.42](Lulu) She is?  真的?
[01:30.94](Seth) She's coming back.  她要回来了!
[01:34.22](excited chattering)
[01:36.82](Seth) Peter, aren't you excited?  Peter 你高兴么?
[01:39.78]- When's she gonna be here? - (Zoe) So, what are we gonna do?  她什么时候回来? 我们要准备些什么?
[01:43.94]We should dress up nice. We should make her something.  我们应该穿漂亮一点 应该给她做些什么
[01:49.34]- We'll clean up the entire house. - That's a good idea.  把整个房子打扫一边 好主意
[01:50.42]- (Zoe) We should make a banner3 too. - (Lulu) In the family room.  我们也应该做个横幅 放到书房
[02:11.86]Gary怎么了? 脚被卡住了么?
[02:14.78]What's wrong, Gary? Foot got stuck?
[02:17.54]Hang on, hang on.  等一下,等一下
[02:22.10]Okay, now just stay still.  好的,不要动
[02:47.26]Hi. Come on in.  嗨,请进
[02:51.26]- Are you ready? - Yeah, almost.  准备好了么? 差不多
[02:53.82](phone dialing)
[02:56.22](phone rings)
[02:59.54]- Yes? - Hey, it's Shane.  是 嘿,是我雪恩
[03:01.30]I have excellent news. I think I found GHOST.  我有个好消息 我想我找到了幽灵
[03:02.58]- Do you have it? - It's in a steel vault4.  你拿到了? 在一个钢铁的密室里
[03:05.54]It needs some sort of two-pronged key. I've been working on it, but it's tough.  需要用一个双面的钥匙来打开 我整晚都在试,可是太坚固了
[03:08.94]Great. Good work. We're on our way.  很好,干的不错 我们马上就回去
[03:12.94]Don't do anything further. I'll be there soon.  不要采取任何行动了 我马上就到
[03:16.38]Yes, sir.  是的,长官
[03:20.58]The good news is, once I give this to my C.O.,  好消息是 只要我把这个交给我的上级
[03:23.98]whoever's been bothering you aren’t gonna be.  骚扰你们的人就不会再来了
[03:26.62]- Really? - Really.  真的? 真的
[03:28.90]What's wrong? Your mother's coming. You should be happy.  怎么了? 你妈妈要回来了 你应该高兴啊
[03:34.22]But, Shane, doesn't that mean you have to go?  但是雪恩,这是不是就意味着你要走了
[03:39.46]You should get ready. Your mother will be home soon.  你们应该做好准备 你们的妈妈很快就回来了
[03:59.74]I had a fight with Zoe before I Left, so they probably trashed the place.  我走之前和邹易吵了一架, 他们很可能把整个屋子糟蹋得不成样子了

[04:52.26]Welcome home, Mom.  欢迎回家,妈妈
[04:53.74](Julie) Hi! I missed you!  嗨! 我好想你!
[04:58.30]Guy!  小家伙!



1 burden lskz3     
  • The burden fell on the eldest son.担子落在了长子身上。
  • Too much praise is a burden.太多的赞扬是一种负担。
2 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
3 banner OPEyJ     
  • The new government came to power under the banner of fighting poverty.新政府是在对贫穷开战的名义下上台的。
  • A white banner was hanging out of the window.一面白旗挂在窗子外面。
4 vault 3K3zW     
  • The vault of this cathedral is very high.这座天主教堂的拱顶非常高。
  • The old patrician was buried in the family vault.这位老贵族埋在家族的墓地里。

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