
音乐咖啡厅:Emm Gryner - Fast Exit

时间:2017-03-28 05:41:02



He said "my stage is a war torn land
A band of extremes in the Asbury sand"
I said "stay fierce my summertime fire
The days you were mine would have never expired
If it wasn't for me
And my hypocrisy"
A twisted girl's an ugly sight
Fresh from the lakes where the meadows ignite
I had your steps to happiness
I was blind so blind yeah you were the best
A fast exit
I was wrong
I've frozen you in a weekend song
And flowers on the page will never be
Scream your songs by the ocean blue
Shatter the myths in the New England dew
And stay fierce my summertime fire
The days you were mine should have never expired
We're touring our hearts out


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