
英文摇滚歌曲:In Fear And Faith - The Taste Of Regr

时间:2017-05-31 07:15:18



Come out of hiding, show us your face.
Don't be afraid of what they'll say
Just close your eyes it'll all be ok.
The damage they've caused, is it worth it all ?

What's taken away is the price they pay.
For goodness1 sake2 let it fade3 away.
Let go of the past, that tore you apart.
Embrace4 this chance for a brand new start.
We weren't meant to be one of them,
But to live life, love and give.
They can't fool us anymore, We're far too clever.

We'll leave them with their regrets.
To feel the pain

That's what they get, we're even now !
Let's walk away

Come out of hiding, show us your face.
Don't be afraid of what they'll say
Just close your eyes it'll all be ok.
The damage they've caused, is it worth it all ?

This is what real life tastes like.
So open your eyes and dive right in.
You know you've never seen a love like this...
Buried inside where I can't see.
Through these bars my future lies.
You love this life, but not through my eyes.(Where I can't see)
Our time is up, no not that !

We'll leave them with their regrets.
To feel the pain
That's what they get, we're even now !
Let's walk away.

Don't close your eyes, it will all pass you by



1 goodness xfgxm     
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2 sake Us4y9     
  • He loves poetry for beauty's sake.他因为爱美而喜欢诗歌。
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3 fade Rlnxa     
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4 embrace Upkxw     
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