
音乐咖啡厅:Sophie Zelmani - Maja’s Song

时间:2017-09-19 09:01:02



Couldn't lend him
To you forever
Said the hard man
From above
Made you to
A giver and a savor
But also to a loser of love
Made your heart
Big enough to carry
Every kind of pain
Made you to a dream
But also to someone
For marriage
I must drain
Gave your eyes
The colour of an ocean
Where anybody could drown
I'd swear an oath
On your sterling friendship
But i will always
Let you down
In storms and rain
It's hard to light the candle
And i'm sorry when
It's snowing on his stone
The gravel-walk's so familiar
With your footsteps
That's a sound that could
Make me leave the throne
Couldn't lend
Him to you forever
Said the hard man
From above


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