
音乐咖啡厅:The Weepies - Add My Effort

时间:2017-09-19 09:08:12



Well I know that life is hard,

you make it all right

And I know how dark you get

late in the night

I'm gonna add my effort1 to you

I'm gonna add my effort to you

Try and love you

You feel wronged by everything

that hasn't been right

Why can't we sit and watch TV

'til late in the night?

Oh don't take it away, oh don't take it away

When it's dark you say it is

because there's no light

And though it's not I'll say it is

I'll say it's all right



1 effort 0qLxh     
  • I will make every effort to arrive on time.我将尽一切努力准时到达。
  • There isn't much time ahead,so we should redouble our effort.来日无多,须加倍努力。

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