

时间:2018-04-25 23:10:59



As the United States and China haggle over market access, intellectual property rights and other complex trade issues, the simple question consumers in Beijing are wondering is what impact will the dispute have on the cost of goods and will they ultimately be left carrying the weight as prices rise.


China has already placed tariffs on US fruit, nuts and pork among other products. Few at this local market were feeling the impact yet but with the likelihood of higher prices for imports such as nuts and fruit on the horizon, this vendor says he’s already weighing his options. I can just stop buying US goods and stop selling products from America, I can just buy goods from China. Chinese authorities have repeatedly voiced confidence they are prepared to fight to the end if Washington goes ahead with tariffs on 1300 imports from China but neither side knows for certain just how broad an impact the tariffs could have.

Wang Chongyun says she spends her summers in San Diego and is a fan of Michael Kors products. She hopes the two sides will sit down and talk. If not consumers will end up footing the bill.It will have an impact on the Chinese economy and that has an impact on the public’s interests. With higher tariffs and prices we’ll have to spend more.

If the US does go ahead with its tariffs, most consumers say they will just buy other foreign products or domestic brands. China no longer lags behind and it can make whatever its people need. There’s no need to rely on the US. Take sports apparel for example, there are plenty of domestic brands to choose from. If they want to make money here they have to work together with China because there are a lot of Chinese. However access to the Chinese market is what the dispute is all about. A few that VOA spoke with were aware of what Washington is demanding or even the huge gap in access that exists between Chinese companies operating in the United States and the gridlock American and other foreign firms face here.

Bill Ide, VOA News, Beijing.



王崇文表示自己一直都是在圣地亚哥过暑假,而且超爱迈克 柯尔(Michael Kors)的产品。她希望中美双方能坐下来好好谈谈。就算最后不是消费者承受后果,也会对中国经济造成影响,对公众利益造成影响,因为一旦提高关税,消费者的支出成本也随之升高。


Bill Ide, VOA News, Beijing.

感谢收听比尔(Bill Ide)为您从北京发回的VOA报道。


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