

时间:2018-04-25 23:12:35



President Trump has gotten personal in a new tweeting tirade against James Comey calling him quote a slimeball, a leaker and a liar and the worst FBI director in history by far. Comey meanwhile is also speaking out. I don’t know whether the current president of United State with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013.

In his new book A Higher Loyalty, Comey portrays the President as near obsessed with unproven and disputed allegations made by a British researcher financed by the Clinton campaign in 2016 and says Trump repeatedly pressured him to take action benefiting the President. James Comey doesn’t have credibility and shouldn’t have been leading the FBI any longer. At the end of the day this president will be judged on probably two big things, the economy and national security.

Trump praised Comey in late 2016. It took guts for director Comey to make the move that he made. Barely two weeks before the election Comey announced the FBI was reopening an investigation into then Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s handling of emails years earlier. Clinton’s poll numbers suffered in the days that followed. Comey insists he made the right decision but admits he was operating under an assumption that proved false.

But had there been that she’s gonna be elected president and if I hide this from the American people, she’ll be illegitimate the moment she’s elected. The renewed and intensified Trump - Comey spat comes as senators of both parties back legislation to protect the special counsel in the Russia probe Robert Muller from possibly being fired by Trump. The president blasted recent media reports that he has been eager to dismiss Muller as more fake news.

Michael Bowman VOA NEWS, Washington.

特朗普总统在推文中扯进了私人恩怨,称詹姆斯 科米(James Comey)为泄露机密又撒谎的“混蛋”,是美国历史上最差的联邦调查局(FBI)局长。与此同时,科米也发声开火。或许我们现在的总统先生2013年的时候曾和俄罗斯的妓女互相在彼此身上撒尿。


2016年末,特朗普曾夸赞科米。局长科米勇气可嘉,所以才能做出过去的功绩。而就在大选打响的两周前,科米宣布,联邦调查局将重启调查,内容有关时任民主党总统候选人希拉里 克林顿(Hillary Clinton)几年前对邮件的处理。随后几天,希拉里票数急转直下。科米简称自己所做的决定是正确的,但同时也承认自己曾坚信的观点是错误的。

不过,就算希拉里当选为美国总统,而我没有将邮件门公之于众,那么她当选之时也是违法的。就在特朗普与科米之间的口角进一步升级之际,两党参议员表示支持立法,以保护特别顾问罗伯特 穆勒(Robert Muller)端住饭碗。穆勒是涉俄案的特别顾问。特朗普炮轰了最近一些称特朗普急于解雇穆勒的媒体报道,称其为虚假新闻。

感谢收听迈克尔(Michael Bowman)为您从华盛顿发回的VOA报道。


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