
高中英语上外版二年级下Unit eleven

时间:2009-11-17 05:27:10



00:04.34]Language Structure: The Subjunctive Mood
[00:09.82]A:I wish I could go swimming with you this afternoon.
[00:17.11]B:Aren't you going? I thought you were.
[00:21.71]A:A former classmate of mine is coming to see me after lunch,so I can't go.
[00:29.31]B:I suggest that you ask him to come with us.
[00:34.30]A:I am sorry,but he never goes swimming. I wish he would.
[00:41.27]B:Then you can go with me next Sunday.
[00:45.77]A:You look so tired,carrying that heavy rucksack.Do you need any help?
[00:55.07]B:Oh,that's very kind of you.
[00:58.36]If I were stronger,I would be able to manage easily.
[01:04.05]A:If you did some exercise from time to time,you wouldn't be so weak.
[01:11.16]B:That's right.If I did that.I would be healthier.
[01:16.96]Listening Comprehension
[01:15.96]Listen and choose.
[03:01.26]Text           Dead Sun,Dead World
[03:07.73]New Words and Expressions
[03:57.18]If the sun died, we would all die with it.
[04:04.00]If something happened to make the sun stop burning and shining,
[04:09.88]we would live only a short time in our dark,cold world.
[04:16.25]The earth would be as dark as a moonless night all the time.
[04:23.33]Of course we could turn the electric lights on,
[04:28.53]but burning them day and night would be a great drain on electrical power.
[04:35.61]Cars also would need their lights all the time.
[04:41.31]And if the sun did not bring daylight in the morning,
[04:46.48]people wouldn't want to get up.
[04:50.47]Without the sun the earth would not only be dark,
[04:56.67]it would also become extremely cold
[05:01.16]because it would lack its major source of heat.
[05:05.96]As people tried to stay warm by turning up the heat,
[05:11.97]there would be an additional drain on electricity,gas,oil,and other fuels.
[05:19.97]There simply would not be enough fuel to go around.
[05:25.27]Without the warmth and light of the sun,
[05:30.08]the earth's vegetation would die almost immediately,
[05:35.35]and animals that rely on it for food would soon die as well.
[05:42.43]People would struggle for a short time to stay warm and alive,
[05:47.94]but it wouldn't be long before the entire earth would be as dead as its burned-out sun.



1 drain kkmza     
  • Drain off the rest of the wine from this barrel.把桶里剩余的酒排出去。
  • First,you have to drain the container of all the old oil.首先,你得从油箱中把所有的陈油都抽去。
2 additional rJTyM     
  • It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则。
  • I think we can fit in an additional room.我想我们可以再加建一间房子。
3 vegetation cLxzz     
  • As we drove towards the desert,the vegetation became sparse.我们驱车前往沙漠,沿途的草木渐渐变得稀疏。
  • The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation.大地覆盖着一层厚厚的绿色植物。

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