

时间:2009-11-21 01:50:48



[00:05.64]第二课 你想做什么工作?
[00:11.28]A Look at these people.Talk about their jobs.
[00:17.78]A 看看图里的人。说说他们的工作。
[00:24.27]They help people.
[00:31.32]a nurse              a dentist                 a policewoman
[00:43.70]护士                 牙医                      女警察
[00:56.08]They meet people and travel a lot.
[01:06.74]a model              an air hostess             a pop star
[01:19.88]模特                 空中小姐                   歌星
[01:33.02]They think up new ideas.
[01:41.49]a besigner           an artist                  a writer
[01:53.46]设计师               艺术家                     作家
[02:05.44]He is a nurse.He helps people.
[02:14.97]She is a pop star.She neets people and travels a lot.
[02:29.55]B Candy has to write about her favourite job for homework.
[02:33.82]B Candy 要做一份作业,内容是关于她最喜欢的工作。
[02:38.09]Her father is helping1 her to choose a job.
[02:43.74]Act the people.
[02:59.59]1 What do you want to do when you grow up,Candy?
[03:12.97]Do you want to travel a lot?
[03:20.41]I don't mind.
[03:26.65]2 Do you to wear a luniform?
[03:36.82]Yes,I do.
[03:49.88]Act Sam and his father.
[03:57.43]C Charlie and Cherry are talking about jobs.
[04:00.81]C Charlie 和 Cherry 在说有关工作的事情。
[04:04.19]Act the children.
[04:19.66]What do you want to do when you grow up,Cherry?
[04:32.51]I want to meet people. I want to travel too.
[04:44.68]What do you want to be? I want to be an air hostess.
[05:04.14]2 Charlie and Cherry's neighbour,Mrs Chan,is visiting them.
[05:07.72]Charlie 和 Cherry 的邻居Mrs Chan 在探望他们。
[05:11.30]Act the people.
[05:22.77]What does Cherry want to do?
[05:28.54]Cherry 想做什么?
[05:34.32]She wants to meet people.She wants to travel too.
[05:46.46]What does she want to be? She wants to be an air hostess.
[05:59.52]Now ask and answer quesstions about Charlie.
[06:04.84]现在问和答有关Charie 的问题。
[06:10.16]D Reading:I want to be a....
[06:16.54]D 阅读,我想做。。。
[06:22.93]1 The children are having a composition leasson.
[06:34.87]They are writing about what they want to do when they grow up.
[06:45.73]Tell me about your writing,children.
[06:56.60]What do you want to be when you grow up?
[07:04.86]I like to meet people.I want to teach.
[07:16.64]I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
[07:24.58]2 I like to sing.I want to be famous.
[07:39.34]I want to be a singer.
[07:44.90]3 How about you,Tom?
[07:55.66]I like fast cars.I want to travel around the world.
[08:10.11]I want to be a racing2 car driver.
[08:17.37]4 I like to wear beautiful clothes.
[08:28.32]I want to design my own clothes.
[08:36.28]I want to be a designer3.
[08:43.34]5 What do you want to be when you grow up,Peter?
[08:55.80]I like to eat and I like to cook.
[09:05.46]6 I want to be a cooker.
[09:17.32]Oh no,Peter! You can't be a cooket! You can only be a cook.
[09:42.97]E Match the jobs with what the people do.
[09:46.11]E 配对工作和工作性质。
[09:49.24]Write the numbers and letters under the children.
[10:09.80]1 a racing car                C drives a fast car in a race
[10:16.78]赛车手 在比赛中开快车
[10:23.75]2 a teacher              E teaches children
[10:28.91]教师  教小朋友
[10:34.07]3 a cook                 A cooks food
[10:39.15]厨师 煮食物
[10:44.23]4 a designer             B designs beautiful clothes
[10:50.87]设计师    设计美丽的衣服
[10:57.50]5 a singer               D sings songs
[11:07.35]Many words for jobs have similar endings.
[11:11.07]技巧训练  很多职业的名称都有相似的字尾。
[11:14.80]Fill in the blanks with words in this chapter.
[11:33.45]writer     dentist    inventor      policeman
[11:44.39]F The children are doing a survery about the jobs they want to do.
[11:48.41]F 这些小朋友在做有关他们想做的工作的调查。
[11:52.44]What do they want to do when they grow up?
[11:57.40]Act the children.
[12:13.65]lawyer      reporter
[12:18.08]律师        记者
[12:22.50]tour guide    hairdresser
[12:27.73]导游          发型师
[12:32.95]postman      inventor
[12:37.34]邮差          发明家
[12:41.73]What do you want to do when you grow up?



1 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
2 racing 1ksz3w     
  • I was watching the racing on television last night.昨晚我在电视上看赛马。
  • The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。
3 designer owsxW     
  • Carolyne is a fashion designer.卡罗琳是一名时装设计师。
  • He was a set designer.他是一个布景设计者。

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