
英语流行口语 67.取消或改变约会

时间:2010-06-23 00:48:17



[00:10.79]Would you like to join us?
[00:16.35]A: I'm going to have some people over for dinner Saturday night.
[00:22.00]Would you like to join us?
[00:25.76]B: Oh,I'm afraid I'll be busy tomorrow evening.
[00:28.09]B: 哦,恐怕我明天会很忙。
[00:30.43]A: Some other time then?
[00:32.40]A: 那么只找时间吧。
[00:34.38]B: OK.Thanks for asking me.
[00:36.72]B: 好吧,谢谢你邀请我。
[00:39.05]I'm wondering if you'd like to...
[00:46.13]A: Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?
[00:48.40]A: 你明天上午有事吗?
[00:50.68]I'm wondering if you'd like to come to my office to discuss the new project.
[00:57.23]Tomorrow morning?What about tomorrow afternoon?
[00:59.91]B: 明天上午我有事。明天下午怎么样?
[01:02.59]A: Then I'll see you in the afternoon.B: OK.
[01:05.32]A: 那就明天下午见吧。B: 好。
[01:08.05]I'd like to make an appointment with....
[01:15.13]A: I'd like to make an appointment with Dr.Cooper.
[01:17.95]A: 我想和库田先生订一个约会。
[01:20.77]Could you arrange it for me?
[01:24.43]B: Yes.Would tomorrow morning be all right with you?
[01:26.91]B: 行。明天上午可以吗?
[01:29.39]A: Sorry,I've got a meeting from nine to ten.
[01:34.35]What about Monday afternoon?
[01:38.72]B: I'm afraid he's fully1 engaged.Could you make it another time?
[01:41.84]B: 恐怕他也会很忙。你能不能换个时间?
[01:44.96]May I call at....?
[01:52.90]A: Mr.Keller,may I call at your home sometime the week?
[01:59.67]B: Oh,certainly.When would you like to come?
[02:02.31]B: 当然行。你想什么时候来?
[02:04.94]A: Well,when will it be convenient for you?
[02:07.32]A: 你什么时候方便?
[02:09.70]B: This weekend would be OK with me.
[02:11.92]B: 这周末可以。
[02:14.14]How about....?
[02:19.10]A: Do you think I could see the president sometime this morning?
[02:24.98]B: Sorry,he's fully booked this morning.
[02:27.41]B: 对不起,他今天上午没时间。
[02:29.84]A: How about tomorrow morning?
[02:31.67]A: 明天下午怎么样?
[02:33.50]B: Yes,I think tomorrow morning would be fine.
[02:35.98]B: 可以,我看明天上午行。
[02:38.46]Will you be free...?
[02:44.73]A: Excuse me,Dr.Steward2,
[02:49.17]I wonder if I could talk with you about my paper.
[02:53.84]B: Yes,of course.When?
[02:55.87]B: 当然可以。什么时候?
[02:57.89]A: Will you be free this afternoon,say from 3 to 4?
[03:00.83]A: 您今天3点到4点有空儿吗?
[03:03.77]B: Now let me check my schedule...
[03:05.85]B: 我看看我的时间表吧。...
[03:07.92]OK,you could to my office then.
[03:12.29]I wonder if it's convenient to change our appointment
[03:24.15]A: Tomorrow is my day off.
[03:26.37]A: 明天我休息,
[03:28.59]I wonder if it's convenient to change our appointment from tomorrow to next Wednesday,still at the sane3 time.
[03:36.76]B: I'm afraid I won't be free next week.
[03:38.98]B: 下周我恐怕没有时间。
[03:41.20]A: It's a shame.Will this afternoon be all right?
[03:43.79]A: 真遗憾。今天下午行吗?
[03:46.38]But I can only spare you an hour and a half today,from four o'clock.
[03:52.62]B: That's OK.
[03:54.29]B: 行。
[03:55.96]Could you make it...?
[04:02.60]A: Hello,this is Dr Cook's clinic.May I speak to Mr.Smith?
[04:06.02]A: 喂,库克大夫的诊所,可以和史密斯通话吗?
[04:09.44]B: This is he.
[04:11.02]B: 我就是。
[04:12.60]A: Dr Cook won't be able to see you at the time suggested.
[04:15.49]A: 喂,库克大夫在约定的时间不能见您了,
[04:18.38]Could you make it a quarter to two? B: All right.
[04:21.04]你们定在一点四十五怎么样?B: 行。
[04:23.71]....have to cancel the appointments.
[04:30.34]A: I'm calling about you appointment.
[04:32.40]A: 现在打电话是预约的事,
[04:34.47]Mr.Smith has to cancel all his appointments because he's got something urgent4 to attend to.
[04:41.94]B: When can I go to see him?
[04:43.96]B: 我什么时候可以去见他呢?
[04:45.99]A: Anytime except today.Please give him a call before you come.B: OK.
[04:53.25]If you don't mind,let's make it a little later.
[05:03.02]A: I'm sorry,I'm engaged at 2 p.m.
[05:05.59]A: 对不起,我两点有约。
[05:08.17]B: If you don't mind,let's make it a little later.
[05:10.69]B: 不介意的话,咱们往后推一推。
[05:13.21]What about three or four?
[05:17.15]Sorry,the whole afternoon is filled up here.Will tomorrow do?
[05:23.92]B: All right.
[05:25.45]B: 可以。
[05:26.97]If you don't mind,may we put it off to....
[05:37.84]A: I'm sorry,our appointment has to be changed.
[05:40.38]A: 对不起,我们的约定要改变一下。
[05:42.91]B: What a pity!
[05:44.49]B: 真遗憾。
[05:46.07]A: If you don't mind,may we put it off to the next day?
[05:48.80]A: 如果不介意,我们推到第二天好吗?
[05:51.53]B: That's OK.
[05:53.11]B: 那样可以。
[05:54.69]How about next week?
[06:00.57]A: I'm calling about our appointment.
[06:02.54]A: 我打电话谈谈我们约会的事。
[06:04.51]I can't call on you this evening.My wife is terribly ill.
[06:10.29]B: Sorry to hear that.
[06:12.11]B: 噢,是这样。
[06:13.94]A: How about next week?
[06:15.72]A: 下周怎么样?
[06:17.50]B: Fine,we'll be expecting you then.
[06:19.82]B: 好啊,那时我们会等着你的。
[06:22.15]I think we have to put it off till next week.
[06:32.31]A: Do you think you could arrange for the interview tomorrow?
[06:35.04]A: 你认为明天能安排面试吗?
[06:37.77]I've got a rather full day tomorrow.Would you prefer another time?
[06:44.14]B: I think we have to put it off till next week.
[06:46.57]B: 我们只得把这事推到下个星期了。
[06:49.00]I wonder if we could alter5... to....
[06:58.66]A: I don't think I can manage this morning.
[07:00.85]A: 我觉得今天早晨不行,
[07:03.03]I wonder if we could after the time of meeting to tomorrow afternoon.
[07:09.09]B: I'll look out for you about 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.
[07:11.96]B: 我给你安排到明天下午两点吧。
[07:14.83]A: All right.Thank you.
[07:16.56]A: 好的,谢谢。
[07:18.28]What time would be convenient for you?
[07:25.86]A: Are you free anytime today?
[07:28.59]A: 今天您有空吗?
[07:31.32]B: I'm not quite sure if I'll be free.
[07:33.64]B: 说不准。
[07:35.97]A: What time would be convenient for you?
[07:38.15]A: 你什么时间方便?
[07:40.33]B: Monday would be better.
[07:42.21]B: 星期一更好些。
[07:44.09]I'm afraid I won't be able to....
[07:48.64]I'm terribly ill now.I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your wedding.
[07:57.70]B: I'm sorry to hear that.What a pity you can't be here with us!
[08:00.52]B: 真抱歉,你不来太遗憾了。
[08:03.34]A: I'm sorry.May you be happy!
[08:05.67]A: 对不起。我祝你们幸福!
[08:07.99]I'm sorry I can't keep our appointment because...
[08:19.32]A: 比尔,你好。
[08:20.90]I'm sorry I can't keep our appointment because something unexpected6 cropped up.
[08:27.56]B: What's happened?
[08:29.09]B: 出了什么事?
[08:30.62]A: I'll have to go to school again early tomorrow morning.
[08:33.29]A: 明天一早我得再去学校一趟,
[08:35.97]And I don't think I'll be able to get back at two thirty.
[08:41.61]I'm sorry,I must reschedule my appointment with...
[08:52.19]I'm sorry,I must reschedule my appointment with Mr.Cooper on Wednesday.
[08:58.85]B: Why?A: I forgot I'm already engaged.
[09:01.58]B: 为什么?A: 我忘记我已经有约了。
[09:04.31]B: That's a pity.
[09:06.04]B: 真遗憾!



1 fully Gfuzd     
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
2 steward uUtzw     
  • He's the steward of the club.他是这家俱乐部的管理员。
  • He went around the world as a ship's steward.他当客船服务员,到过世界各地。
3 sane 9YZxB     
  • He was sane at the time of the murder.在凶杀案发生时他的神志是清醒的。
  • He is a very sane person.他是一个很有头脑的人。
4 urgent fjSwT     
  • He asked to see the manager for something urgent. 他有急事求见经理。
  • A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
5 alter jLryj     
  • We have to alter the house into a barn.我们不得不把房子改建成谷仓。
  • She is trying to alter the coat.她正设法改那件衣服。
6 unexpected Qkpw8     
  • I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests.我总保存些好酒,用来招待不速之客。
  • His promotion was unexpected.他的升迁出人意料。

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