
英语流行口语 68.Dining Out外出吃饭

时间:2010-06-23 00:50:03



[00:06.30]Are you ready to order,sir?
[00:12.36]A: Are you ready to order,sir?
[00:14.38]A: 你想点菜吗?
[00:16.40]B: Yes,I'll have tomato soup and my friend will have mushroom soup.
[00:22.86]A: Do you want anything to go with soup?
[00:25.04]A: 还要点儿别的吗?
[00:27.22]B: Yes,bring us two steaks and two loats of bread,please.
[00:29.95]B: 请来两份牛排和面包。
[00:32.68]What would you like for....?
[00:39.16]A: What would you like for your main course?
[00:41.43]A: 您主菜要什么?
[00:43.70]B: Steak,please.
[00:45.52]B: 请来牛排。
[00:47.33]A: How would you like your steak?Rare,medium-rare or well-done?
[00:50.42]A: 想要嫩的、适中还是老点?
[00:53.50]B: Well-done,please.
[00:55.17]B: 老点吧!
[00:56.84]Would you care for....?
[01:03.01]A: Would you care for a cup of tea before your meal?
[01:05.59]A: 饭前来杯茶怎么样?
[01:08.18]B: OK,thank you.
[01:09.96]B: 好吧,谢谢。
[01:11.73]A: How about some Oolong tea?It's very popular with our guests.
[01:17.90]B: That'd be nice.
[01:19.63]B: 可以。
[01:21.37]What would you like to eat,sir?
[01:28.03]A: What would you like to eat,sir?
[01:30.06]A: 先生想要些什么?
[01:32.08]B: Scrambled1 egg,bacon,three pieces of bread and a cup of tea.
[01:38.95]A: Would you care for some lemon for your tea?
[01:41.28]A: 喜欢茶里加些柠檬吗?
[01:43.60]B: No,thank you.
[01:45.13]B: 不用了,谢谢。
[01:46.66]What do you recommend2 today?
[01:54.02]A: May I bring you a salad?
[01:56.09]A: 要不要来点色拉?
[01:58.15]B: Oh,yes.What do you recommend today?
[02:00.44]B: 要。今天给我们推荐什么?
[02:02.72]A: Rose-petal salad.
[02:04.45]A: 玫瑰花瓣色拉。
[02:06.17]B: OK,I'll have it for change.
[02:08.44]B: 可以,就换换口味吧。
[02:10.72]I'd like to order breakfast,please.
[02:17.48]A: I'd like to order breakfast,please.
[02:19.61]A: 我想要些早餐。
[02:21.74]B: What'd you like,madam?
[02:23.32]B: 要什么呢?
[02:24.90]A: Two muffins and a cup of coffee.Will it take long?
[02:30.75]B: No,just a few minutes.
[02:34.41]What would you prefer,....or....?
[02:43.37]What would you prefer,Chinese food or American food? B: Either will do.
[02:50.14]A: Well,let's try roast3 duck,all right?  B: OK.
[02:53.17]A: 那么,尝尝烤鸭吧?B: 行。
[02:56.20]May I serve your dishes,sir?
[03:04.24]A: May I serve your dishes,sir?
[03:06.31]A: 先生,可以上菜了吗?
[03:08.37]B: Yes,please.
[03:09.96]B: 可以了。
[03:11.56]A: How are the dishes,sir?
[03:13.28]A: 味道怎么样?
[03:15.00]B: Taste nice.
[03:16.69]B: 味道不错。
[03:18.37]And I'd like to start with....
[03:24.93]A: I would suggest roast beef,sir.
[03:27.26]A: 我建议您来烤肉,先生。
[03:29.58]B: All right,roast beef,please.And I'd like to start with soup.
[03:32.72]B: 好吧,请来烤肉。我想先来点汤。
[03:35.85]A: We have clear and cream soup at your choice.Which one do you prefer?
[03:39.23]A: 有清汤和奶油汤,喜欢哪种?
[03:42.62]B: Clear soup,please.
[03:44.50]B: 请来清汤吧。
[03:46.38]What's today's special?
[03:53.14]A: What's today's special?
[03:55.02]A: 今天的特色菜是什么?
[03:56.90]B: I think our smoked fish will be to your taste.
[03:59.28]B: 我想我们的熏鱼会合你的口味。
[04:01.66]A: OK,I'd like to try it today.
[04:04.04]A: 好吧,今天我来品尝品尝。
[04:06.41]Could you send up....?
[04:11.27]A: Could you send up a Coke and a salad?
[04:13.54]A: 可以送一杯可乐和一份色拉吗?
[04:15.82]B: Yes.Which kind of salad dressing4 would you prefer?
[04:18.74]B: 好的,你要用哪一种色拉佐料?
[04:21.67]A: Make them with French dressing.
[04:23.75]A: 用法式佐料。
[04:25.82]B: I'll do that then.
[04:27.51]B: 好的。
[04:29.19]Could you show me what you've got?
[04:35.25]A: Could you show me what you've got?
[04:37.32]A: 你们都有哪些菜?
[04:39.38]B: We've got several good chicken dishes if you like chicken.
[04:44.63]A: We'll try one of your specials this time.
[04:47.01]A: 这次我们要尝尝你们的特色菜。
[04:49.38]B: This is worth trying.
[04:51.27]B: 这菜的确值得一尝。
[04:53.15]I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the order.
[05:00.72]A: Are you ready for a second?
[05:02.99]A: 想不想再要点什么?
[05:05.27]B: No,I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the order.
[05:07.75]B: 不用了,恐怕那道菜我们也不要了,
[05:10.23]I'm not sur whether it agrees with me.
[05:14.70]A: Would you like anything else?
[05:16.53]A: 还要别的吗?
[05:18.35]B: I'd prefer swordfish steak.
[05:20.48]B: 我想要箭鱼片。
[05:22.61]A: I'm sorry.It's out of season now.
[05:27.26]B: Oysters,please.
[05:29.00]B: 请上牡蛎吧。
[05:30.74]I'd rather not have it if you don't mind.
[05:39.28]A: Here comes the last course!Shall I help you to the dish?
[05:45.23]B: I'd rather not have it if you don't mind.
[05:47.52]B: 如果你不介意我就不吃了,
[05:49.81]I'll have soup instead.
[05:53.46]I'm supposed to be on a diet.
[05:57.72]A: But I can't resist5 a good dinner.
[05:59.94]A: 可是我见着好吃的就想吃。
[06:02.16]Can I have it charged to my account,please?
[06:09.92]A: Could you show me my bill?
[06:11.94]A: 你能给我看看账单吗?
[06:13.97]B: Here you are.That comes to 120 yuan.
[06:16.75]B: 给您,一共一百二十元。
[06:19.53]A: Can I have it charged to my account,please?
[06:21.90]A: 能记在我的账上吗?
[06:24.26]B: Certainly,sir.Would you sign here,please?...Thank you.



1 scrambled 2e4a1c533c25a82f8e80e696225a73f2     
v.快速爬行( scramble的过去式和过去分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞
  • Each scrambled for the football at the football ground. 足球场上你争我夺。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • He scrambled awkwardly to his feet. 他笨拙地爬起身来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 recommend btfyK     
  • Can you recommend me a good book?你能给我介绍一本好书吗?
  • I can recommend this play to all lovers of good theatre.我把这个剧推荐给所有爱好优秀戏剧的人。
3 roast vXox9     
  • There's a piece of roast beef.这儿有一块烤牛肉.
  • Put the meat into the oven to roast.把肉放到炉子里去烤。
4 dressing 1uOzJG     
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
5 resist 8W7xi     
  • It is vain to resist.抵抗是没用的。
  • I couldn't resist telling him the secret.我忍不住把那个秘密告诉了他。

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