

时间:2010-07-20 06:43:00



[00:22.13]Xiao Hu:Can you help  me,Dick?
[00:35.27]Dick:Yes.What is it?
[00:37.88]Xiao Hu:I'm going1 to  repair2 the window.  It's broken3.
[00:42.71]Dick:What can I do  for you?
[00:45.14]Xiao Hu:Hold the  ladder4 for me,please
[00:48.35]Dick:OK.But be careful  Xiao Hu.
[00:51.46]Xiao Hu:It's very  kind of you.
[00:54.00]Xiao Hu:Can you help  me,Dick?
[00:57.84]Dick:Yes.What is it?
[01:00.26]Xiao Hu:I'm going to  repair the window.  It's broken.
[01:05.10]Dick:What can I do  for you?
[01:07.92]Xiao Hu:Hold the  ladder for me,please
[01:10.74]Dick:OK.But be  careful,Xiao Hu.
[01:14.27]Xiao Hu:It's very  kind of you.
[01:16.90]Xiao Hu:Can you help  me,Dick?
[01:20.18]Dick:Yes.What is it?
[01:21.70]Xiao Hu:I'm going to  repair the window.  It's broken.
[01:25.46]Dick:What can I do  for you?
[01:27.57]Xiao Hu:Hold the  ladder for me,  please.
[01:30.29]Dick:OK.But be  careful,Xiao Hu.
[01:32.46]Xiao Hu:It's very  kind of you.
[01:35.44]Xiao Hu:Can you help  me,Dick?
[01:38.57]Dick:Yes.What is it?
[01:40.24]Xiao Hu:I'm going to  repair the window.  It's broken.
[01:43.95]Dick:What can I do  for you?
[01:45.88]Xiao Hu:Hold the  ladder for me,  please.
[01:48.71]Dick:OK.But be  careful,Xiao Hu.
[01:51.03]Xiao Hu:It's very  kind of you.
[01:54.40]New words
[01:54.45]ladder  broken kind
[02:01.77]Look and say
[02:10.20]1.Example A:
[02:16.45]Can you carry thisbag upstairs5?Yes.
[02:21.99]Can you carry this bag upstairs?Sure.
[02:25.57]Now practise.
[02:30.74]1)pass me that book Can you pass me that book?  Yes.
[02:40.59]Can you pass me that book?  Yes.
[02:46.04]2)hand me the brush
[02:49.08]Could6 you hand me the brush?Sure.
[02:53.88]Could you hand me the brush?Sure.
[02:57.43]3)post the letter  for me
[03:00.88]Can you post the letter for me?Certainly7.
[03:04.62]Can you post the letter for me?Certainly.
[03:07.96]4)look after my cat
[03:11.33]Could you look after my cat?Of course8.
[03:10.33]Could you look after my cat?Of course.
[03:15.27]Example B:
[03:17.72]Can you get me a ticket?
[03:19.63]Sorry,I can't.Could you get me a ticket?
[03:23.29]I'm afraid not.
[03:25.53]Now practice9.
[03:28.57]1)carry it downstairs10
[03:34.13]  Can you carry it  downstairs?  Sorry,I can't.
[03:37.66]Can you carry it  downstairs?
[03:37.76]  Sorry,I can't.
[03:39.30]2)lend11 me some money  Could you lend me  some money?
[03:43.80]  I'm afraid not.
[03:45.66]Could you lend me  some money?  I'm afraid not.
[03:49.79]3)teach us English  Can you teach us  English?
[03:55.22]Sorry,I  can't.
[03:57.18]Can you teach us  English?Sorry,I  can't.
[04:01.15]New words
[04:04.39]brush  money  pass hand post get lend teach
[04:22.05]upstairs look after downstairs
[04:35.87]Mrs Green:Excuse me,
[04:41.61]    could you pass    me the medicine13?
[04:41.69]Fang Lan:Certainly.  Here you are.
[04:41.80]Mrs Green:Thank you.
[04:42.85]2.Mrs Green:Excuse  me,
[04:45.48]could you pass  me the medicine?
[04:47.44]Fang Lan:Certainly.  Here you are.
[04:49.87]Mrs Green:Thank you.
[04:48.87]2.Mrs Green:Excuse  me,could you pass  me the medicine?
[04:53.63]Fang Lan:Certainly.  Here you are.
[04:55.69]Mrs Green:Thank you.
[04:56.73]New word medicine
[05:09.33]Mike:Can you help  me,Jane?
[05:16.69]Jane:Sure.What is  it?
[05:18.86]Mike:Open the fridge  and bring me the  milk,please.
[05:21.60]Jane:All right...  Here it is.
[05:25.05]Mike:That's very  kind of you.
[05:26.59]Mike:Can you help  me,Jane?
[05:28.94]Jane:Sure.What is  it?
[05:31.24]Mike:Open the fridge  and bring me the  milk,please
[05:33.99]Jane:All right...  Here it is.
[05:36.62]Mike:That's very  kind of you.
[05:38.35]Mike:Can you help  me,Jane

[05:40.33]Jane:Sure.What is it?
[05:42.48]Mike:Open the fridge  and bring me the  milk,please.
[05:45.19]Jane:All right...  Here it is.
[05:48.25]Mike:That's very  kind of you.
[05:50.16]New words fridge  bring
[06:02.67]Gao Hong:I want to  speak to Jane.
[06:11.78]Can  you tell me her  telephone number?
[06:14.71]Li Xin:Sorry,I don't  know.
[06:17.37]You can go  and ask Mike.Maybe  he knows.
[06:21.50]Gao Hong:Mike,do you  know Jane's  telephone number
[06:23.80]Mike:Yes.Let me see.  It's 61464815.
[06:31.36]Gao Hong:Would you  please say it  again?
[06:34.23]Mike:6-1-4-6-4-8-1-5Gao Hong:OK.  Thank you.
[06:34.81]Gao Hong:I want to  speak to Jane.
[06:37.81]Can  you tell me her  telephone number?
[06:40.37]Li Xin:Sorry,I don't  know.
[06:42.15]You can go  and ask Mike.Maybe  he knows.
[06:45.83]Gao Hong:Mike,do you  know Jane's  telephone number?
[06:49.15]Mike:Yes.Let me see.  It's 61464815.
[06:56.00]Gao Hong:Would you  please say it  again?
[06:58.58]Mike:6-1-4-6-4-8-1-5Gao Hong:OK.  Thank you.
[07:08.74]Gao Hong:I want to  speak to Jane.
[07:11.98]Can  you tell me her  telephone number?
[07:14.18]Li Xin:Sorry,I don't  know.
[07:16.42]You can go  and ask Mike.Maybe  he knows.
[07:19.56]Gao Hong:Mike,do you  know Jane's  telephone number
[07:23.11]Mike:Yes.Let me see.  It's 61464815.
[07:29.22]Gao Hong:Would you  please say it  again?
[07:31.08]Mike:6-1-4-6-4-8-1-5Gao Hong:OK.  Thank you.
[07:39.99]New words ask say
[07:53.91]Read aloud14
[07:57.83]1.air:air  chair hair  pair repair upstairs
[08:21.31]are:care    fare15 hare    spare square  careful
[08:41.06]ear:ear dear clear16 hear year near
[09:00.60]ear:learn early earth18 earn17
[09:16.85]2.blackboard  football
[09:29.05]handbag postcard a big desk
[09:39.31]a black bed a good girl a red dress
[09:50.39]a cheap bike a white ball
[09:57.13]not bad that boy at the gate
[10:29.91]the square chair
[10:32.55]Can you repair the  square chair?
[10:35.43]chairthe square chair
[10:39.45]Can you repair the square chair?
[10:42.30]dear Dear,dear
[10:48.44]Dear dear,the beer is really dear.
[10:58.05]Dear dear,the beer is really dear.
[11:02.41]Test yourself19
[11:11.37]1.Listen and circle
[11:14.51]1)dear   2)cure 3)four   4)hour 5)pear   6)learn
[11:42.27]2.Listen and choose
[11:45.77]1.M:Can you pass me the coffee?  W:Sure.
[11:54.16]He asks her to pass him the milk/coffee/tea
[11:59.12]2.M:Could you carry these books upstairs for me?
[12:05.50]  W:With pleasure20.
[12:07.06]She asks him to carry those books over there/downstairs/upstairs
[12:12.26]3.M:Can you lend me this tape?  W:Yes,of course.
[12:19.79]He asks her to lend/buy/give him that   tape.
[12:24.88]4.M:Could you post the letter for me?  W:Certainly
[12:31.41]She asks him to write/read/post a letter for her



1 going dsHzY9     
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
2 repair 9tvyY     
  • We can repair this car.我们可以修理这辆车。
  • The road is still under repair.这条路还在修复中。
3 broken 6xZz4B     
  • He is mending a broken cup.他在修补破杯子。
  • Something was broken in my engine.我的发动机里有个东西损坏了。
4 ladder 22Ix6     
  • He got down from the ladder.他从梯子上下来了。
  • The book is the ladder of human progress.书是人类进步的阶梯。
5 upstairs kjTwO     
  • He would prefer to meet me downstairs rather than upstairs.他宁愿在楼下见我,而不愿在楼上。
  • I think I'll go upstairs and have a sleep.我想上楼去睡一觉。
6 could lzvxe     
  • Could I open the window?我可以打开窗子吗?
  • I could wait ten minutes.我可以等十分钟。
7 certainly rUDy7     
  • He is certainly a hero!他无疑是个英雄!
  • Some people certainly think so.有些人肯定会这么认为。
8 course 1zcx6     
  • The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。
  • Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。
9 practice oPJxa     
  • I need to practice more.我要多加练习。
  • Knowledge comes from practice.知识来自于实践。
10 downstairs KsexT     
  • He went downstairs to breakfast.他下楼去吃早饭了。
  • I'll come downstairs in a minute.我马上下楼。
11 lend 917xa     
  • Would you lend me some money?能借我一些钱吗?
  • They had no reading books to lend.他们没有阅读用书可以出借。
12 dialogue nv0xI     
  • Practise the dialogue in pairs.两人一组练习对话。
  • The dialogue went on until nine o'clock.谈话一直到九点。
13 medicine vCMxi     
  • I studied medicine in college.我在大学学医学。
  • Time is the best medicine.时间是最好的良药。
14 aloud ALPyl     
  • He called aloud for help.他高声喊叫救命。
  • Read it aloud before you write it down.抄写前,大声读出来。
15 fare zllxK     
  • How much is the fare to the airport?到机场的车费是多少?
  • How do you like the school fare?你认为学校伙食怎么样?
16 clear kq8zg     
  • Clear the snow from the road.清除马路上的积雪。
  • Is that clear to everyone?大家都明白了么?
17 earn RrexH     
  • Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.现今谋生很容易。
  • I expect it to earn its cost in less than three years.我希望它在3年内赚回成本。
18 earth ar7xL     
  • The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。
  • Spring returns to the earth.大地回春。
19 yourself wf2wS     
  • I need you to do it yourself.我要你亲自做。
  • Late again,Tom?I hope you can explain yourself.汤姆,又迟到了?我希望你能说明理由。
20 pleasure sOzxl     
  • It's a pleasure talking to you.同您谈话很愉快。
  • He finds pleasure in reading.他从阅读中得到乐趣。

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