
新视野大学英语视听说教程3 Unit 10-10

时间:2010-10-08 02:53:18



Now Your Turn
A: Hey, Jack1, I hear you become a millionaire by investing2 in the stock3 market. But I always lose money in the market. Can you give me a few tips?
B: First of all, let’s look at the stock listing in today’s newspaper.
A: Wow, the stock market dropped again.
B: What stock did you buy?
B: How many points did it lose this time?
A: More than a hundred.
B: Let’s see…That’s a drop of nearly five percent.
A: Oh, there goes a lot of my money. I’m thinking about pulling out of the market.
B: Before you get upset, I’d like to give you some advice.
A: What’s that?
B: Well, the market is cyclical. Through you’re losing money now, your stock may gain in future. Personally, I believe your stock is a good one. You’d better keep it until it goes up one day.
A: So I can’t make money in a short time?
B: Let’s look at XYZ stock. It’s now a junk stock, but it’s been low for a long time. It may climb up at any moment.
A: So, I’ll buy it and wait for it to go up.
B: And cash in your stock when it reaches a point that is high enough to give you a profit. My basic principle is to buy at the bottom and sell at the peak.
A: I see. I’ll buy low and sell high. But what if XYZ plunges4 again after I buy it?
B: You have to take changes. There’s always risk in the stock market.



1 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
2 investing 610264491fdf7f3be32d04c3b7c453cf     
v.投资,花费( invest的现在分词 );授予;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等)
  • He was timid about investing money. 他不敢投资。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Europe also caught the excitement of investing in American railroads. 欧洲人对投资美国铁路也极感兴趣。 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件
3 stock luiwR     
  • The shop takes stock every week on Friday mornings.这家商店每星期五早晨盘点存货。
  • Experts have forecast an upturn in the stock market.专家已预测股票市场价格有上升趋势。
4 plunges 2f33cd11dab40d0fb535f0437bcb9bb1     
n.跳进,投入vt.使投入,使插入,使陷入vi.投入,跳进,陷入v.颠簸( plunge的第三人称单数 );暴跌;骤降;突降
  • Even before he plunges into his program, he has his audience in his pocket. 他的节目甚至还没有出场,就已控制住了观众。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • 'Monseigneur, he precipitated himself over the hill-side, head first, as a person plunges into the river.' “大人,他头冲下跳下山坡去了,像往河里跳一样。” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记

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