
小心 a little 一点儿

时间:2010-12-16 06:34:20


    俗话说得好,“处处留心皆学问”。学英语时我们只要多留心一点点,就会有意想不到的收获。的确, a little 意为“一点儿”,其用法较多,为了表达正确,小心“一点儿( a little )”准没错!
    [一号档案] a little 用作代词,在句中可作主语或宾语。如:
    — Would1 you like some meat ?请你吃些肉好吗?
    — Just a little. 来一点儿吧。
    [二号档案] a little 用作形容词时,用来修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意义,意为“一点儿”;如果只用 little 修饰不可数名词,则表示否定意义,意为“几乎没有”。如:
    There is little milk in his glass. 他的玻璃杯里几乎没有牛奶。
    [三号档案] a little 作副词时,可修饰动词,也可修饰形容词或副词,以及形容词或副词的比较级,表示程度。如:
    ( 1 ) That child moved a little. 那小孩移动了一点儿。(修饰动词)( 2 ) I am a little thirsty. 我有点儿渴。(修饰形容词)( 3 ) The taxi is going2 a little faster than the tractor3.
    出租车正比拖拉机快点儿。(修饰副词的比较级)[特别档案]使用 a little 时还应注意以下问题:
    1. a little 与 a bit4 意思虽相同,它们修饰形容词时没有区别,但 a little 可直接修饰名词, a bit 则要后加 of 才能修饰名词。如:
    I'm a little / a bit thirsty now. And I want to have a little / a bit of tea. 我现在有点儿渴了,想喝点儿茶。
    2. not a little 意为“很、非常”,相当于 very ;但“ not a bit = not … at all (根本不)”。如:
    Bill5 is not a little thin. 比尔非常瘦。
    Bill is not a bit thin. 比尔根本不瘦。
    3. quite a little 意为“很多”,相当于 much ,而不是“很少”。如:
    There's quite a little food on the table. = There's much food on the table.
    4. a little 若后接单数可数名词时,意为“一个小的……”。如:
    There is a little girl under the tree. 树下有一个小女孩。



1 would 8fPwB     
  • Why would you say that?为什么你会这么说?
  • Would you please help me?你能帮帮我吗?
2 going dsHzY9     
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
3 tractor gJWz2     
  • You must oil the tractor every day.你必须每天给拖拉机加油。
  • He has a tractor.他有一台拖拉机。
4 bit VRGyo     
  • I'm just going out for a bit.我正打算出去一会儿。
  • When did you change the bit?什么时候换的钻头?
5 bill MdAy2     
  • Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook.比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且是个烹调能手。
  • It will save trouble if you pay the bill now.如果你现在付账就没事了。