
AP 2010-12-25

时间:2011-01-05 03:09:16



1. South Korea says it has ended maritime1 drills on a front-line island and that there have been no signs of any North Korean military response. The live-fire artillery2 drills lasted about 90 minutes. South Korea did launch fighter jets to deter3 any North Korean attacks.


2. Chaos4 continues in Europe for anyone trying to travel because of heavy snow and freezing temperatures. A limited number of flights are expected to leave London's Heathrow Airport today after it was shut down yesterday. Motoring organizations have warned about potentially fatal conditions on Britain's icy roads.


3. Here in the US, the price for a gallon of gasoline continues to go up. It's gone up nearly eight cents in the past two weeks to 2.99 a gallon. The highest price is in San Francisco, while the cheapest gas can be found in Denver.


4. Experts say 2010 was a disaster - literally5. Disasters around the globe killed more than 250,000 people, making it the deadliest year in a generation. More people were killed by natural disasters in 2010 than all terrorism attacks in the last 40 years combined.



1 maritime 62yyA     
  • Many maritime people are fishermen.许多居于海滨的人是渔夫。
  • The temperature change in winter is less in maritime areas.冬季沿海的温差较小。
2 artillery 5vmzA     
  • This is a heavy artillery piece.这是一门重炮。
  • The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.炮兵火力比步兵大。
3 deter DmZzU     
  • Failure did not deter us from trying it again.失败并没有能阻挡我们再次进行试验。
  • Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.狗能够阻拦不受欢迎的闯入者。
4 chaos 7bZyz     
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
5 literally 28Wzv     
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。

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