

时间:2012-09-14 06:04:47




误:You will be praised or blamed according to your work is good or bad.
正:You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad.
析:according to 和according as 均可表示“根据”、“按照” 等,但前者相当于介词,后接相当于名词代词的成分;后者相 当于连词,用以引导句子。
◆依我看, 这没有一点是真实的。
误:According to me, none of this is true.
误:According to my opinion, none of this is true.
正:In my opinion, none of this is true.
析:according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处, 而不 能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us), 同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如 him, her, John, Mary, the doctor 等)则属正常用法;另外也不 接 view(看法)和 opinion(意见)这类词表示看法的词。
误:The book is according to a true story.
正:The book is based on a true story.
析:表示“根据”、“按照”时, 主要用来引出状语, 一般不用来引 出表语;但是当它表示“合乎”、“符合”时, 则主要用来引 出表语:Isn’t it according to international law? (这难 道不符合国际法吗?)



1 according YzQztq     
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