时间:2012-11-06 05:40:32
Brief Introduction: Andy Krieger is a world famous voice coach, he is the inventor of the unique K Method. Andy has developed a strong reputation as a teacher who makes students feel very comfortable and confident in the
learning1 process. He has successfully taught more than 7,000 students in North America and internationally.
作者简介:安迪·克雷格(Andy Krieger)毕业于美国斯坦福大学,好莱坞著名的口音纠正教师,北美认证的教育专家,“K方法”口音教学的发明者。多年来一直在教授非北美大陆的学生如何讲好英语。他所独创的Krieger教学法,曾经成功帮助成龙、章子怡、李冰冰等母语非英语演员克服口音障碍,进军国际影坛。