时间:2012-11-06 07:01:32
Welcome to RSS in Plain English.
The Internet has problems.Technorati says there are 50 million weblogs, and as you can see, it's going up. This is overwhelming.Our foucs here is on a new and efficient way to keep up with all this cool stuff that's happening on the Internet.
互联网存在众多问题。据Technorati(著名博客搜索引擎)统计现有5千万博客,且数字在不断攀升。势头强劲。本期将介绍一种新方法 ,让你及时跟上互联网的炫酷潮流。
-There's the old slow way. - Boo.
Then, there's the new and fast way. Yay!
Here's the difference between the new and the old way.This is you, and here are your favorite websites. You log on to your computer, and you're looking for something new.You go out to your favorite blogs.
Anything new?
You go out to your favorite news sites.
Anything new? Nope.
-有更新吗? -没有。
Every time you look for something new and it’s not there, you've wasted valuable time.This is the old way.Now, let's consider the new and fast way,which is simply taking these arrows and turning them the other direction.This means the new things from blogs and new things from your news sites come to you instead.It's like Netflix compared to the video store.
每次想看更新的内容却失望而归,还浪费了大把时间,老方法该淘汰啦!现在,我们有又新又快的方式,只用简单地改变这些箭头的方向,博客和新闻站点的更新将会主动来找你。这就像Netflix(提供在线影片租赁 并且免费配送)和音像店之间的区别。
So, what we're talking about is using a single website that becomes your home for reading all the new stuff that's coming from your favorite websites. There are two steps to getting started. The first step is you need a home for reading new posts. This is a website called a reader. All you need is a free account.
Google Reader,I use a site called Google Reader. It looks like this.My favorite sites are listed on the left, and on the right I can
scroll1 through all the new posts from my favorite sites in a single place.
我的阅读器是Google Reader ,它把我喜欢的站点列在左侧,右侧可以浏览收藏站点的更新内容。
So, to complete step one, you need to sign up for a reader. Step number two, is to set up a connection between your reader and your favorite websites.Setting up these connections is called
subscribing2, and it's really important.Nearly every blog and news site offers the ability for you to
subscribe3 so updates in these sites show up here in your reader.To set up these
subscriptions5, look for funny little
第一步 注册一个阅读器账号。第二步 建立阅读器和你喜欢的站点之间的联系,建立联系的操作叫做订阅,这步操作十分重要,几乎每个博客和新闻站点都提供了订阅功能。通过订阅,站点的更新情况会显示在阅读器里。在网站上找到这些按钮就可以订阅了。
This is the standard orange one .
You may also see these. These little icons say,"Hey look! Subscribe to me! I can save you time!"Once you find one of these buttons on your favorite site, click on it and the page that appears will give you everything you need to subscribe.
After you click that button, one of two types of pages will appear. This is one that provides one click access to subscribing in your reader.The other page you're likely to see looks like this - with code on it.If you see this page, copy the address at the top of the page, go to your reader and look for a link that says "Add
Subscription4" or "Add Feed."Click on that, and paste the address into your reader.
单击它之后有两种类型的页面可能出现,前一种 “一键点击” 就能轻松访问阅读器。另一种页面里有代码,这时复制该页网址,然后到阅读器里找到“订阅”按钮。单击 ,把网址粘贴进你的阅读器。
So, once you've added your subscriptions and the connection is there, new posts begin arriving in your reader.And you'll see why this is the new, faster way to read the web.It's
addictive8, so be careful!
A quick recap. There are two things you need to do.Number one is go sign up for a reader. Number two, go to your favorite websites, click on the
icon6 and subscribe.
I'm Lee LeFever and this has been RSS in Plain English.
这就是RSS 我是《原来如此》节目的李 勒菲弗