时间:2012-11-07 02:04:47
Really great stuff there.
Well, last but not least today, it's not a sun dress. It's a Capri-Sun dress! And it's not just for senior prom, it's for a senior project, if not Project
The ingredients: 117 packets of juice, one boyfriend to help drink all that juice, some thread, some hot glue, three weeks to assemble. All of it added up to a passing grade and a one-of-a-kind, if not comfortable-kind, of couture.
Now, if you're unsure how to address such a dress, just remember that in fashion, you always reap what you sew. We are piecing together more stories for you, so tomorrow, be sure to try us on for size. I'm Carl Azuz. We'll see you then!
如果你不确定怎么驾驭这样的裙子,就只有一点:在时尚界,种瓜得瓜种豆得豆总是真理。我们为你准备了更多的故事,所以务必到时观看。我是Carl Azuz。下次再见!