
85. Beauty is Only Skin-deep p.75

时间:2005-05-05 16:00:00



  It is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things. It follows, therefore, that most womendesire nothing but to look beautiful. That is why they cannot help but spend vast sums of money on cosmeticsand fashionable clothing. They are interested in nothing but their looks. However, they should be remindedthat beauty is only skin-deep.
Instead, they should pay more attention to their character because when you have character, you haveclass. And that is what gives one inner beauty.


Beauty is only skin-deep. 美色是肤浅的
class 格调
be attracted to/by   The children are always attracted to/by toy section of department stores.
He is very diligent2. Therefore, it follows (that) he will pass the test. 
That is the reason... = That is why... = That is the reason why....
cannot help doing = cannot help but do 不得不做
make-up 化妆(动作)   cosmetics1 化妆品
look  n.相貌
marcia 进行曲
character 品格,气质
He is not a good student. Instead(On the contrary), he is a bad student.
inner beauty   outer beauty



1 cosmetics 5v8zdX     
  • We sell a wide range of cosmetics at a very reasonable price. 我们以公道的价格出售各种化妆品。
  • Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature. 化妆品未能掩饰天生的缺陷。
2 diligent al6ze     
  • He is the more diligent of the two boys.他是这两个男孩中较用功的一个。
  • She is diligent and keeps herself busy all the time.她真勤快,一会儿也不闲着。

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