时间:2012-12-05 03:16:46
must, may, might, can, could, need, shall, should, ought to, will, would, dare, dared
情态动词表示现在对过去发生的事的猜测、想法时应该用 (情态动词 + 完成时动词),表示“应当已经 / 一直……”,“想必已经 / 一直……”。使用不同的情态动词,存在着语气、意思上的区别。
一、 must + 完成时动词:表示对过去事情的肯定性推测,意思为“一定”,“必定”。
It's ten o'clock now, they must have arrive in Beijing.
He is quite tired, he must have been overworking last night.
二、may/might /can/could + 完成时动词
(1) 均表示不肯定的推测,注意与must 肯定语气的比较。
He is so
depressed1, I'm afraid that he might have failed in the test.
(2) 另外表示责备“本来可以(而竟没有)之意。
(3)注意cannot / couldn't + 完成时动词,表示对过去事情进行肯定性的否定推测,意思为“不可能干/做”,“肯定没有做……”。
He couldn't have finished the homework in such a short time.
三、should / shouldn't / ought to / ought not to + 完成时动词:
用于表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,意思为“应该做而未做 / 不应该做却做了”(参考“虚拟语气”章节)
I should have brought the wallet with me. 我该带上钱包的。
He oughtn't to have been complaining about such a
trivial2 matter. 他不应该为这件小事而抱怨不休。
needn't + 完成时动词;表示做了不必要的事,意思是“原本不必”。注意与cannot / couldn't + 完成时动词 进行比较。
You needn't have told him the matter. 你其实不必告诉他这件事。
You couldn't have told him the matter. 你不可能把这件事告诉他了。
区别于 would + 动词完成时,用于与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设。(参考“虚拟语气”章节)
If I had enough money on me, I would have bought the book. 如果我带的钱够,我就把那本书买下来了。