arbitrary ~ asset
The most popular TV talk show in town arranged for two architects to talk about architecture on screen. But as soon as they saw each other, an argument arise as both men insisted on being called the greatest artist. Each attacked the other person from different aspect. One said, "There's nothing artistic1 in your works, they look so artificial." "What about you?", the other replied. "You can't even do arithmetic, and the best thing you've ever made is an ash tray." Soon they engaged in a fight. Security guards rushed in and took them aside. Police came and arrested them, and arrangements were made to take them to court. The judge was an arbitrary person, who had no interests aside from food. He was annoyed at beingaroused from hes afternoon nap, and sent the two to jail without listening to the case. While they were under arrest, families of both men sold their assets, offered the warden2 the money, and soon both men were set free, But the Assembly discovered this and its members were assmbled to hear the case. The TV station televised and assessed the whole process. Its viewing rate took off like an arrow.
城里最受欢迎的电视脱口秀安排了两位建筑师上节目谈建筑。谁知两人一见面,一场争论就产生了,两人都坚持要称自己是最伟大的艺术家,并且都从不同方面攻击对方。一个说:"你的作品一点都不富有艺术性,看上去矫揉造作。" "那你呢?"另一个答道:你连算术都不会,你做的最好的东西就是一只烟灰缸。"很快两就动起手来,保安冲进来把他们拉到一边。警察赶来拘留了他们,并安排让他们上法庭。法官是个武断的人,除了吃之外没有别的爱好。他对把他从午睡中唤醒很是恼火,没有审理这个案子就把两个人关进了监狱主。两人被拘留期间,他们的家人变卖了财产并用得来的钱贿赂了监狱长,不久两人就都被放了出来。但是议会发现了此事,并召集成员们开了一次听证会。电视台对事件的全部过程进行了现场转评论,其收视率像箭一般急剧上升。
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adj.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的 | |
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n.监察员,监狱长,看守人,监护人 | |
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