

时间:2006-06-18 16:00:00


  货物寄销帐 goods sent on consignment account

  票面值 par value

  接纳 accept

  净流动资产 net current assets

  速动比率 liquidity ratio

  寄销 consignment

  寄销人 consignor

  寄销帐 consignment account

  票据拒付手续费 noting charges

  票据贴现 discounting bill of exchange

  组织大纲 memorandum of association

  组织章程 articles of association

  商誉 goodwill

  贷方 credit

  贷项通知单 credit note

  贷项通知单(银行用) credit advice

  提用 drawings

  提款帐 drawings account

  费用 expenses

  期未存货 closing stock

  期初存货 opening stock

  单式簿记 single-entry bookkeeping

  备忘 memorandum

  补助分类帐 subsidiary account

  报表 statement

  贴现 discount

  发票 invoice

  发票人 drawer

  间接工资 indirect wages

  贴现手续费 discounting charge

  普通股 ordinary shares

  普通日记簿 general journal

  普通原始簿 general book of original entry
