

时间:2006-06-18 16:00:00


垃圾债券 junk bond
委托存款* designated deposit
委派代表书 proxy form
定息按揭 fixed-rate mortgage
定期债券 term bond
定价模式 pricing model
「定镜」处理【计算机】 snapshot【computer】
延时信息 delayed data
往来账 current account
或有保费 contingent premium
或然负债 contingent liabilities
所有普通股指数 All Ordinaries Index (AOI)
所需回报率 required rate of return
房地产投资信托基金 real estate investment trust (REIT)
《房地产投资信托基金守则》 Code on Real Estate Investment Trusts
承兑 acceptance
承兑行 acceptance house
承前【会计】 brought forward【accounting】
承配人 placee
承销* underwrite
承销商* underwriter
承办银行 administering bank
承让人 assignee; transferee
披露 / 披露事项 disclosure
披露权益 disclosure of interests
押记 pledge
抵押 charge; pledge
抵押安排 security arrangement
抵押品 collateral; security
抵押品资格 collateral eligibility
抵押债项 secured debts
抵押证券 asset-backed securities (ABS)
抵销 set off
「拆骨专家」 asset stripper
拆卖资产 asset stripping
招股书 / 招股章程 prospectus
招股价 issue price
招股机制 offering mechanism
招标发售 offer by tender
放宽利率管制 deregulation of interest rates
放宽管制 deregulation
