

时间:2006-06-18 16:00:00


《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》(《创业板上市规则》) Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (GEM Listing Rules)
《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》(《证券上市规则》) Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Exchange Listing Rules)
香港联合交易所期权结算所有限公司(联交所期权结算所) The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH)
香港联合交易所信息服务有限公司 Stock Exchange Information Services Limited (SEIS)
香港证券市场文献及文物征集计划 Hong Kong Securities Market Archives and Artifacts Collection Campaign
香港证券交易所(1947年) The Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港证券专业学会 Hong Kong Securities Institute
香港证券业同学会 Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association
《香港证券业参考手册》【刊物】 The Hong Kong Securities Industry【publication】
香港证券经纪业工作小组 Working Group on Stockbroking in Hong Kong
香港证券经纪业协会 Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association
香港证券学会 Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association
并购活动* mergers and acquisitions
仓 position
个人大股东具报书 Individual Substantial Shareholders Notification
个人投资者户口 Individual Investor Account
个人客户 individual client
个人交易所参与者 Individual Exchange Participant
个人计算机终端机用户 PC terminal user
借方结余 debit balance
借款股 loan stock
借壳上市 backdoor listing
借贷资本 loan capital
借额 debit
伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所 London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)
伦敦期权市场 London Traded Options Market (LTOM)
伦敦证券交易所 London Stock Exchange (LSE)