
体育词汇—足球战术篇 Tactics

时间:2006-06-23 16:00:00


  set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

  ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

  break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

  disorganize the defence 搅乱防守

  total football 全攻全守足球战术

  open football 拉开的足球战术

  off-side trap 越位战术

  wing play 边锋战术

  time wasting tactics 拖延战术

  4-3-3 formation 433阵型

  4-4-2 formation 442阵型

  beat the offside trap 反越位成功

  foul 犯规

  technical foul 技术犯规

  break loose 摆脱

  control the midfield 控制中场

  set a wall 筑人墙

  close-marking defence 盯人防守