专业四八级-填空题常考结构 5
时间:2006-06-26 16:00:00
例1:Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than___eastern Nebraska. (A) does (B) in (C) it does in (D) in it does 分析:than引导比较状语从句,空格后面是个专有名词,肯定是比较从句的主语,空格处明显缺从句的谓语动词,只有(A)符合条件,故选(A)。注意than eastern Nebraska does 是正确的语序,但是原文中使用了倒装;在比较结构的后面部分中,如果比较从句的主语长,谓语动词短,动词可放到主语前面进行到装。
例2: Hot objects emit___do cold objects. (A) rays more than
infrared1 (B) rays are more infrared than (C) more than infrared rays (D) more infrared rays than 分析:emit为及物动词,空格处缺宾语和引导比较从句的than, 只有(D)符合条件。注意空格后为倒装形式,do代替emit以避免重复。此题为常考的句子结构。
3:The activities of the international
marketing2 researcher are frequently much broader than___. (A) the domestic marketer has (B) the domestic marketer does (C) those of the domestic marketer (D) that which has the domestic marketer 分析:本题还是考查比较句,由于谓语动词是系动词are, 故先排除与其不对应的以has和does结尾的(A)和(B)。选项D则语义不清,也可排除。C中those代替前面提到的activities以避免重复,those一定要具备,因为只有这样才能满足比较的都是activities,谓语动词are因与主句谓语动词相同而被省略,因此C为正确答案。
例4:The annual worth of Utah's manufacturing is greater than --. (A) that of its mining and farming combined (B) mining and farming combination (C) that mining and farming combined (D) of its combination mining and farming 分析:本题为比较句,一般来说,比较的双方应属于同一类事物。句中主语显然是比较的一方,而空格处应是与之相对应的另一方。(B)、(C)、(D)均无法与the annual worth相对应,故可以排除。(A)中代词that代替 the annual worth, 是英语中常见的避免重复的用法,故选(A)。