
英语视频:Facebook团队介绍社交搜索工具Graph Search

时间:2013-11-14 13:37:10


Graph Search的理念在于,以谷歌搜索引擎发掘互联网信息的方式,发掘Facebook网站社交图谱的含义。Graph Search扩展了Facebook的核心使命:不仅帮助用户与已知的他人建立联系,还能成为一款发现工具。

  There are a few pillars of the facebook ecosystem1, and one is News Feed. Right, that’s you… you show up, and you could just see all the stuff that is important that’s happening recently with your friends. Another pillar has been Timeline, where each person umm… can share whatever they want with whomever they want on-on facebook, and… your Timeline is your place where you can curate everything that you wanna show up about you, and it’s just everything about you in one place. And… Graph Search is going to be another pillar that’s like that.

  脸书的生态系统中有几个台柱,其中一个是News Feed(动态消息)。对的,那就是你…你来到这里,就可以看到所有重要的、朋友最近发生的事情。另一个台柱是Timeline(动态时报),在那儿每个人啊…不论他们想分享什么、和谁分享都可以在脸书上分享,还有…你的Timeline是你的领域,在那里你可以融合整理所有你想要展现关于你自己的东西,它就是所有关于你的事情集中在一个地方。然后…Graph Search(社交图表搜寻)将会是另一个像那样的台柱。

  So there’s really simple things that people wanna do. They wanna find all the photos they’ve liked. They wanna find all the photos of two particular people, um… all the photos of their family. They wanna find all their friends who live in a particular city, because they are going to visit there. And those are really hard things to find right now. You have to go to a bunch of different pages. You have to piece all the stuff together. And now it’s easy. You know, you just… you can say what you want, and you get the results.


  In-in web search, uh… it’s very often the case that, you know, if you do a search for, you know, apple, and I do a search for apple, we’re basically gonna get the same results. Um, maybe I’ll get like slightly more technical results based on, you know, Apple computer, and maybe you might care about the fruit a little more, but they are not that different from each other, whereas um… on facebook, when you do the same searches, we get completely different sets of results because of the depth of personalisation that we do.

  在-在网页搜寻中,嗯… 很常看到有案例,你知道,如果你执行搜寻动作,你知道,查苹果,我也执行搜寻动作查苹果,基本上我们会得到相同的搜寻结果。嗯,可能我会得到稍微多些技术性的结果关于,你知道,苹果计算机,而也许你可能比较关注这水果一些,但搜寻结果彼此并没有那么地不同,然而嗯…在facebook上,当你执行相同的搜寻动作,我们得到截然不同的结果组合,因为我们所做到的个人化深度。

  The-the types of questions that we can solve are-are kind of this slightly nuance2 and social questions that you wouldn’t typically think to ask um… other search engine, that you wouldn’t typically think that the internet could solve for. Um… there’s a lot to be said for taste, like what movie should I go and see, uh… what bands might I like, based on the friends that I have.

  我们能够解决的问题类型是-是有点稍微枝微末节,以及你一般不会想要嗯… 透过其他搜索引擎问的社交问题,你一般不会认为网络可以解决的问题。嗯…有助于发掘你的喜好,像是我们应该去看哪部电影,呃… 我可能会喜欢哪个乐团,以我所拥有的朋友为基准。

  Well, I had a toothache the other day, and as I’m relatively3 new to the area, so I don’t have a dentist, and… looking out dentists that my friends liked was really awesome4, because I knew that I was gonna go to someone who knew what they were doing, which she did.


  It’s a shame because, you know, most people today don’t think about facebook as a place to discover places where they can go eat or things that they can go do. Um, but with this product, I mean, that’s just… it’s so… it’s so natural to be able to do that.


  In the past, facebook has really been primarily about… mapping out and staying in touch with and communicating with the people already know in the real world. But now, we’re building a product that can also be used to finding people you maybe should know — people of common interests, people you wanna work with.


  You can find friends of friends who have common interests: Friends of friends who are interested in ballroom5 dancing or in running or hiking. And in many ways what this will do is… is make your community feel a bit smaller; make the world feel a bit smaller.


  Today, we’re really just starting off with a few basic types of things that you can search for: people, photos, places, pages for businesses, and… that’s just the start.


  We wanted to get this out as early as possible so we could get feedback from the users. Iterate, make the product better, and get it to a point where we can launch this to everyone.


  We just view this as a project that we’re gonna be working on for years and years to come, but um… as it gets more completed, it just gives me this amazing resource for, you know, a lot of people around the world to use.

  我们只将这视为一项还要年复一年地持续研发的企画案,但嗯… 当它的完成度更高时,就提供了我们这个很棒的资源,你知道,让全世界许多人使用。




1 ecosystem Wq4xz     
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5 ballroom SPTyA     
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  • I go ballroom dancing twice a week.我一个星期跳两次交际舞。