

时间:2013-12-10 08:59:40


Our CCTV America anchor1 Elaine Reyes has talked with Mandela’s doctor, Michael Plit, about Mandela’s passing, and his memories of the former South African President.

Dr Michael Plit, Mandela's Doctor for 22 year, said, "It’s awful, I feel so unhappy. We were at the funeral and it’s very very unhappy, my heart feels heartbroken. He’s such a remarkable2 man. More than just the individual that I had conversation with. He was a good friend of mine, and a good friend of my family. So it’s very depressing3 in the way.

Elaine Reyes, Washington, "I know that you saw him last a year ago. And he had been in the clinic. Was that really a surprise? Can you talk about your last visit with him?"

Dr Michael Plit, "Yes, it’s very surprise. It was a sudden event and a tragic4 event. I was very sad when the moment when I heard about his death.

Elaine Reyes, "And being there in Johannesburg. Can you describe what you’ve been hearing ans seeing. What’s been there look like in the last few days."

Dr Michael Plit, "Well, there’s nothing really in the last few days, the only thing is announced in a TV and radio. That he had died. It’s just so dad, and my wife and I knew him, and his family and his children extremely well. And you can imagine if very important man, the man who was very close to us. For us it was a great sadness."

Elaine Reyes, "Is there something you saw and maybe other people don’t know. And you know him personally. But how different was he on a personal level than what many of us who saw him on television."

Dr Michael Plit, "I think the man you saw in television was a man who had emotions of unhappiness. Otherwise, he was very much the same as always."

Elaine Reyes, "Thank you for joining us from Johannesburg.

Dr Michael Plit, "It’s being my pleasure to invite me."



1 anchor LLGyW     
  • Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad.他在国外工作时,家书是他的精神支柱。
  • The ship dragged her anchor during the storm. 船在暴风雨中拖动了锚链。
2 remarkable 8Vbx6     
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
3 depressing wuJzpo     
  • Laundromat is really depressing. 自助洗衣店真闷。
  • The retrospect was depressing. 回想起来令人沮丧。
4 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。