

时间:2013-12-29 12:54:28



As we enter the film awards season, the debate is on over which movie was the best of 2013. And a number of filmmakers, actors and artists are weighing in with their choices.

Kevin Macdonald, Director1, said, "My favorite movie of the year? Well you know, of course apart from my own, well I think, what have I seen that I really liked? I loved "Gravity2"".

"Lots of things do go wrong but it goes right in the end. You know, it’s basically3 - it’s the sequel to ’Speed’ really, isn’t it?" Kevin said.

"Dan Pugsley: "I really enjoyed the "Alan Partridge"  movie"

Arya Goggin: "Yeah, I loved that."

Pugsley: "Because just growing up watching "Alan Partridge" and then that movie, yeah."


As we enter the film awards season, the debate is on over
which movie was the best of 2013.


Actor Luke Evans said, "I really enjoyed "Captain Phillips", I thought that Mr Hanks did a superb4 job and I think the whole cast5, you know, the Somali cast, were phenomenal."

"It was a great roller coaster of a ride, wasn’t it? And I really like Tom Hanks. He gives amazing performances. So I thought he was amazing." Said actress Naomie Harris.


As we enter the film awards season, the debate is on over which movie was
the best of 2013.


"Pound for pound, probably "12 Years a Slave," I would say, I think that’s been the one that’s made me - yeah. It has the honor6 of being a film that’s both very, very well told and important." Actor Martin Freeman said.

"I just recently saw the new Coen Brothers film which is about to come out, I thought it was very sad but absolutely beautiful, maybe their best film in my mind, it’s a movie about a failure, somebody who’s kind of, everything goes wrong in their life. And I thought, that’s so, so the opposite of what most movies are, I kind of loved that." Said Kevin.



1 director mPlzm     
  • The director has taken the visitors off to his office.经理把客人带到他办公室去了。
  • The new director is easy to get along with.新来的主任很好处。
2 gravity Felz2     
  • An apple falls down because of gravity.由于重力的关系,苹果往下掉。
  • The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity.这块石头由于重力作用而滚下山。
3 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
4 superb ZsfwQ     
  • The large bay has a superb backdrop of mountains.大海湾背靠着庄严的山脉。
  • The hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine.饭店有一个大餐厅供应上好的当地菜肴。
5 cast eOKzx     
  • You can cast your vote at the local polling station.你可以在当地的投票站投票。
  • He cast off fear and decided to make a try.他去掉害怕心理,决定试一试。
6 honor IQDzL     
  • I take your visit as a great honor.您的来访是我莫大的光荣。
  • It is a great honor to receive that prize.能拿到那个奖是无上的光荣。