
六人行FriendsMP3 9-2

时间:2006-08-20 16:00:00



The One Where Emma Cries
WRITTEN BY : Dana Klein Borkow


Scene: (Continues from The One Where No One Proposes - Ross is still next to Rachel)

Ross: You said you'd marry Joey?

Rachel: Ok you have to realize, I was exhausted1, I was emotional, I would have said yes to anybody. Like that time you and I got married?(Long Pause) Im not helping2.

Ross: So you said yes to him, and you just had our baby?

Rachel: that is right and traditionally the daddy is supposed to give them mummy a present but I am prepared to let that go.

Ross: So when I came in here to see if you wanted to maybe start things up again you were engaged to my best friend.

Rachel: well (looks at Ross weird3) really, I thought Chandler was your best friend.

Ross: (in a awkward position) well Chandlers my oldest friend, but Joey's my NO! A A A! (points at Rachel)

Rachel: ooooo!

Joey: (enters) hey im gonna take off I just wanted to let you guys know, say goodbye.

Ross: Rachel said she'd marry you!

Joey: (looks around the room) this isnt the right room sorry folks. (leaves)

(Opening Credits)

Scene: (Monica, Phoebe, Joey & Chandler are at Ross & Rachel's waiting for them to come home)

Monica: ok I don't wanna be negative so ill say that most of the signs you bought are good.

Phoebe: no they ran out of it's a girl (the sign says "It's a boy") but I can fix this one, (she writes "not" in between its and a) See.

Monica: (looking at Chandler sleeping with a balloon in his mouth) so sexy. Honey.

Chandler: yea yea. (pulls the balloon out of his mouth)

Monica: honey why don't you go lie down.

Chandler: no no Ross & Rachel will be back soon and then I gotta go to the office (pulls a balloon out of his mouth) am I producing them?

Joey: why're you so tired?

Chandler: couldn't sleep last night you know, then I started worrying about this big divisional meeting that I have later today, the more I worried about it the more I couldn't sleep, you know I was like if I fall asleep now ill get six hours sleep, but If I fall asleep now ill get 5 hours sleep. Not matter what I did I couldn't fall asleep.

Joey: you know what you should've done, you should have told yourself that little story

Rachel: (enters with Emma) hi
Everyone: Hi, welcome home.

Monica: Phoebe did the signs.

Rachel: oh you guys thanks for doing this.

Phoebe: look at all the stuff people sent

Rachel: oh AH! (see's a big gorilla4 teddy) oh my gosh there's something every mother needs a giant stuffed gorilla that takes up the entire apartment what are people think?(reads the card) oh you guys I love it.

Joey: hey so where's Ross?

Rachel: he's downstairs getting the rest of the stuff out of the cab.

Joey: is he still mad at us?

Rachel: well you more then me, but he cant5 stay to mad at me I mean I just had his baby.

Joey: that's not fair I cant do that.

Rachel: yea im not too sure you should be here when he comes up.

Joey: see this is what I was afraid of, I didn't think I should be here either but somebody (looks at Chandler) said he'd be over it by now.

Chandler: hey what do I know I wanted to get a bigger gorilla.

Scene: (Chandler keeps drifting off to sleep at his meeting)

Ms. McKenna: The numbers we are seeing New York, Chicago & London. Are consistently solid but many of our officers have reported disappointing fields.

-Chandler drifts off and his arm slips off the table and he wakes back up.

Ms. McKenna: Boston is down Atlanta Houston is down I could go on and on but instead of boring you ill go straight to my forty two point plan.

-Chandler leans over to the man next to him drifting off yet again, realizing he gets back up

Chandler: Walter (nods)

Scene: (Phoebe Monica Rachel & Ross at the apartment)

Phoebe: She's just so cute I just wanna bite her ear off and use it and a sucking candy.

Monica: Phoebe! But I could take one of those little feet and put it in a peter pocket.

Ross: (comes out from the back room) ok I put most of the stuff away.

Rachel: oh great the pas fires?

Ross: its in the closet

Rachel: the burping clogs6?

Ross: linen7 closet

Rachel: The dippers?

Ross: in the hospital.

Phoebe: wow you guys gotta hospital fancy!

Ross: no I left the dippers at the hospital there's some in the bag but ill run out and get some more.

Rachel: alright thanks, oh Ross could you stop by the coffee house and get me a muffin

Ross: sure what kind?

Rachel: umm let me think what'do I want, what d-o I w-a-n-t

Ross: please take your time its an important decision not like say I know deciding to marry someone this is about a muffin (opens his eyes and acts like its serious)

Rachel: blue berry

Ross: blue berry it is

Rachel: thanks

Monica: wow he really not letting this go is he?

Rachel: god how long do you think that's gonna last

Phoebe: I dunno well he got over the we were on a break thing really quickly

Rachel: you know what I cant even worry about that right now, cause I got the cuttie little baby, oh I cant believe how much I love her, I cant get enough of her, like right now I miss her I actually miss her.

Phoebe: you know that's?that's her.

Rachel: oh god look at her sleeping, oh I love her so much, oh I think im gonna wake her up.

Phoebe: oh know Rach no no you know your never supposed to wake a sleeping baby.

Rachel: what I can do whatever I want, I made her, come on little girl, hi

-Emma starts crying

Phoebe: I don't wanna say I told you so but shes kinda doing that for me.

Rachel: oh im sorry mummy's so sorry go back to sleep go back to sleep shh shhh! Go back to sleep

-Emma continues crying in the background

Monica: breaks your heart doesn't it

Phoebe: it really does?how long do you think we have to stay.

Scene: (Chandlers meeting continues)

Ms. McKenna: Ok if everyone's on board its settled, Chandler, (Walter puts his hand on Chandlers hand, Chandler sleeping puts his hand on top of his, he then wakes up and pulls his hand away) Chandler?

Chandler: yep

Ms. McKenna: are you on board?

Chandler: (not knowing what his saying yes to) yes

Ms. McKenna: Then problem solved Chandler will be running our office in Tulsa your gonna love Oklahoma.

-Chandler smiles and nods then realizes what his agreed to.

Scene: (Emma continues crying while Rachel, Monica & Phoebe try different methods)

Phoebe: well alright we already tried feeding her, changing her, burping her, oh try this one! Go back in time and listen to Phoebe.

Monica: alright here's something, it says to try holding the baby close to your body and then swing her rapidly from side to side.

Rachel: ok (starts swinging Emma rapidly and she stops crying)

Monica: it worked!

Rachel: Oh (happy) oh know just stopped threw up a little bit (She starts crying again) oh come on what am I gonna do its been hours and it wont8 stop crying.

Monica: Umm she rach not it she.

Rachel: yea im not so sure

Monica: oh my god I am losing my mind

Phoebe: yea no kidding this just proves no good can come from having sex with Ross.

Scene: (Ross in central perk9 getting Rachel her muffin)

Ross: hey gunther can I get a couple of blue berry muffins to go (he puts a bag with dippers in it on the counter)

Gunther: dippers huh

Ross: yep

Gunther: so I guess Rachel had you baby

Ross: yep can you believe it

Gunther: nope I still cant believe she slept with you in the first place

Ross: huh? Ooh (laughs) you mean like a?Huh?

Joey: (enter central perk) hey. (smiles, Ross just ignores him and turns back round), Ross I know your pissed at me but we have to talk about this, ah actually we don't, (Ross walks off) fine, fine ok but I gotta say technically10 I didn't even do anything wrong.

Ross: (turns back) what (angry) you didn't do anything wrong.

Joey: I said I didn't technically

Ross: ok lets put aside that you "accidentally" picked up my grandmothers ring and you "accidentally" proposed to Rachel

Joey: look can I just stop you right there for a second when people do this " " (the two fingers on each hand) I don't really know what that means, (Ross just looks at him) you were saying.

Ross: and I can even understand that you couldn't tell Rachel, but why couldn't you tell me huh you had all day to and you didn't.

Joey: I know I should've "im sorry" (he really is sorry but his using it in the wrong way)

Ross: not using it right joe.

(He brings his hands in closer to his face then does it again)

Ross: im gonna go

Joey: no come on Ross (he grabs his bag so he cant leave), look Ross we have to get passed this

Ross: give me the bag

Joey: no look I don't know what else to do I said im sorry

Ross: Joey!

Joey: you should scream at me or hit me

Ross: im not gonna hit you

Joey: why not, you'll feel better I'll feel better, and I know you want to I can see it in your eyes

Ross: no I don't

Joey: a little bit

Ross: no

Joey: little bit

Ross: No!

Joey: (excited) a little bit more.

Ross: Give me the bag

Joey: no hit me

Ross: give me the bag

Joey: hit me

Ross: Joey give me the bag

Joey: hit me!

Ross: joe im not kidding?

Joey: (interrupting) hit me, hit me

Ross: No!

Joey: (shouts) HIT ME! HIT ME!

(Ross goes crazy and goes to punch him but Joey gets out the way and he punch's his hand against the poll, Note* the audience scream like crazy! - Ross then screams from the pain and turns to Gunther and Gunther has a huge smile on his face.)




Joey: I COULDN'T HELP IT, when a fist comes at your face YOU DUCK! Look (He goes to punch Ross expecting him to duck but he doesn't and he punches him in the eye, the audience go crazy again, Gunther looks very happy at the counter watching)


Joey: YOU WAS SUPPOSED TO DUCK!!! Why didn't you duck?

Ross: why don't we talk about this on the way to the hospital

Joey: good good yea, (grabs the bags) maybe while were there they can check your reflex's (Joey opens the door and it hits Ross in the face, the audience go wild again) "Oops" (They walk out, the central perk door shuts and the audience shout and scream and applaud as the scene fades to black)

(Commercial Break)

Scene: (Emma is still crying)

Monica: try feeding her again

Rachel: I already fed her.

Monica: I know, that's why I said again!

Phoebe: alright you guys we cant turn on each other, that's just what she wants.

Chandler: (enters) hey

Monica: hey

Chandler: Monica can I talk to you outside for a minute

Rachel: oh know you guys just stay here, im gonna go check her dipper, pheebs you wanna come

Phoebe: oh im kinda part of this.

Chandler: actually pheebs its more of a husband and wife kinda thing

Phoebe: I knew I should have married Chandler.

(Phoebe and Rachel go to the back room and Emma continues to cry in the background while Chandler and Monica talk)

Monica: ok whats up

Chandler: ok umm you know how we always said that it would be fun to move to Paris for a year you know you could study french cooking and I could write and we could take a picnic along the sand and go wine tasting in bordo.

Monica: oh yea (smiles)

Chandler: ok you know that people say that Tulsa is the Paris of Oklahoma

Monica: what who says that?

Chandler: people who ever never been to Paris

Monica: whats going on?

Chandler: were moving to Tulsa (makes a excited expression on his face)

Monica: excuse me?

Chandler: ok Ms. McKenna she kind of work above my boss she asked me to move to Tulsa and be the president of our office there and I was sleeping and apparently11 said yes.

Monica: (stands up angry) Tulsa Oklahoma

Chandler: The sooner state, what ever that is

Monica: Chandler I don't even wanna see the musical Oklahoma!

Chandler: really oh what a beautiful morning staring with a fringe on top

Monica: are you trying to tell me that were moving to Oklahoma or that your gay, alright not that this matters but did they at least offer you a huge raise

Chandler: no no but they are going to lease us a ford12 focus, (Monica's not impressed) ill get out of it

Monica: thank you.

Chandler: (hears Emma crying finally) What is wrong with Emma

Monica: oh she misunderstood she thought she was moving to Tulsa.

Scene: (Chandler goes to see Ms. McKenna)

Chandler: umm mam do you have a minute? (She points for him to come in) I kind of have some bad news I don't think I can move to Tulsa.

Ms. McKenna: What?

Chandler: it's a funny story actually (coughs) I kind of fell asleep in the meeting this morning so when I said id move to Tulsa I didn't really know what I was saying

Ms. McKenna: you fell asleep?

Chandler: but only because I was up all night worried about this meeting, aint that funny, irony13 not a fan alright (he sits down) see heres the thing I went home and told my wife about Tulsa and she wont go see me I love Tulsa, Tulsa is heaven, Tulsa is Italy please don't make me go there.

Ms. McKenna: Chandler I?

Chandler: no no no! look Carol can I call you Carol?(pause) why would I when your name is Ellane, oh what a great picture of your son, strapping14 (pause) that's a picture of your daughter isnt it, well shes lovely I like a girl with a strong jaw15. I call you from Tulsa

Scene: (Ross is at the hospital with Joey)

Joey: hey so how is it?

Ross: I broke my thumb

Joey: your thumb, that's weird you sure your punching right make a fist, (Ross just looks at him) maybe later. Ross I feel terrible.

Ross: you know what you can go I just have to fill out some forms (trys to hold the pen but cant)

Joey: you, you want me to help you with that

Ross: why does it look like im having trouble with my misshapen claw. (hands Joey the form)

Joey: Name? (pause) I know Ross but what's it short for? You know like, like Rossle or Rosstepher

Ross: just Ross

Joey: its pretty, ok date of birth

Ross: you know my birthday

Joey: sure maytember

Ross: October 18th

Joey: occupation? Dinosaurs16

Ross: actually im a palian?Dinosaurs is fine?the drawing is not

Joey: alright a who do you want as your emergency contact?

Ross: ah Rachel I guess

Joey: ok relationship, boy this could take a while.

Ross: just ah?just put roommate

Joey: come on you guys are more then that I mean your gonna get together right

Ross: I don't think that we are

Joey: but you too were supposed to be together

Ross: well I thought so too then she said she'd marry you

Joey: come on Ross that didn't mean anything she just had the baby she was all freaked out about doing it alone she would have said yes to anybody

Ross: yea that's what she said

Joey: so

Ross: so I don't wanna be just anybody

Joey: wow

Ross: you know what its, its better this way anyway, I mean I don't know what I was thinking going down that road again with us its just much easier if were just friends who have a kid

Joey: really?

Ross: yea

Joey: and your ok with that?

Ross: yes I mean its what we always planned, and if you have a plan, you should stick to it, that's why they call them plans, hello, (pause) im fine.

Joey: hey for what its worth with Rachel I don't think you'll ever be just "anybody"

Ross: hey their you go! (smiles because Joey used it correctly)

Joey: "thanks"

(Ross looks away not bothering)

Scene: (Emma continues to cry)

Rachel: Oh My God! How long has she been crying?

Monica: about a week and a half

Phoebe: well alright looks like you guys have got it under control so im just gonna go (She gets up and Rachel looks at her upset and Monica just stares) No! misery17 really does love company ALRIGHT! (she sits back down)

Monica: Rach try holding her a different way

Rachel: you guys im doing the best I can, anyone else is welcome to try

Phoebe: alright ill try fine! Yes ok!

Rachel: here you go (hands Emma to Phoebe)

Phoebe: shh! NOTHING WORKS WITH THIS CHILD!! (Hands her back after 2 seconds)

Rachel: oh god what am I gonna do you guys, I cant even comfort my own baby im the worst mother ever

Monica: your just new at this it'll get better, think about your first day at work I mean that couldn't have been easy but you figured that out

Rachel: yea I don't think dressing18 provocatively19 is going to help me here! Oh my god just please take her.

Monica: ok ill take her, here (takes Emma)

Rachel: I have to go to the bathroom (goes to the bathroom)

Phoebe: I have to go scream into a pillow (goes to scream into a pillow)

Monica: (To Emma) Bouncy baby Bouncy baby Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby. (Emma stops crying and falls asleep)

Phoebe: (comes back into the room) Have I gone deaf?

Monica: It worked! Ooh baby baby baby OOH BABY BABY BABY!

Phoebe: you must be a fireball in bed

Monica: I cant believe it, shes asleep, I got her to go to sleep, I have actual magical powers

Phoebe: I can hear traffic and birds, I can hear the voice in my head again (Monica looks at her strangely) im kidding (she smiles at something the voice in her head says to her and sits down)

Rachel: Oh My God! You got her to stop crying

Monica: yes I did, I'm Monica super aunt

Rachel: you are the official baby crier stopper

Monica: yes I am!!

Rachel: your never leaving the apartment

Monica: say what?

Rachel: that's your new job, day and night she starts crying I need you here

Monica: (stands up to hand Emma back) Oh no no no no!

Phoebe: Thankfully you don't need me at all (gets up and to leave) so ok super aunt see you later Rachel lets give it six to eight months (she leaves)

Rachel: ok so listen im gonna go lay down

Monica: What?

Rachel: you know the book says that whenever shes sleeping I should be sleeping so?(she does thumbs up to Monica and goes to lay down)

Chandler: (enters) hey

Monica: shhh! We just got her to go to sleep

Chandler: oh so there cant be any yelling

Monica: No!

Chandler: were moving to Tulsa

Monica: WHAT!

Chandler: shhhh! Shhhhh! Shhhhh! Shhhhh! (walks backwards20 towards the door) I cant, I cant hear you he runs out)

Scene: (Ross finally comes home)

Ross: hey

Rachel: heeeeey, where have you been? (he shows her his thumb) what happened to you?

Ross: ah I had a little thing with Joey, if you think this is bad you should see him

Rachel: oh know Ross! This is not good we have to talk about this Joey thing please sit (he sits) you have got to get over this Joey thing ok I never really wanted to marry Joey ok?

Ross: ok

Rachel: you know what I really really want?

Ross: what Rach?

Rachel: I wanna sleep I wanna eat I wanna take a shower I mean before she wakes up we gotta do this all over again.

Ross: (smiles) right

Rachel: I mean I got news for you Mr, Emma not easy

Ross: well, that's what im here for (Emma starts crying again) want me to get that?

Rachel: no its really ok?Monica!

Monica: (comes running out the kitchen to the bedroom) Got It! Got It! Got It! Got It! Got It! Got It!

Scene: (Joey, Ross and Chandler comes into Central-Perk)

Joey: you know ah Ive been thinking about this and I gotta tell ya, its not my fault it's a natural instinct

Chandler: (enters) hey what you guys talking about?

Joey: hey ok great what would you do if I did this (swings to punch Chandler, he moves and he ends up punching Ross, Ross then gets up and just stares at Joey)




1 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
2 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
3 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
4 gorilla 0yLyx     
  • I was awed by the huge gorilla.那只大猩猩使我惊惧。
  • A gorilla is just a speechless animal.猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。
5 cant KWAzZ     
  • The ship took on a dangerous cant to port.船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。
  • He knows thieves'cant.他懂盗贼的黑话。
6 clogs 3cdbdaf38822ad20011f2482625f97fb     
木屐; 木底鞋,木屐( clog的名词复数 )
  • Clogs are part of the Netherlands national costume. 木屐是荷兰民族服装的一部分。
  • Clogs are part of the Dutch traditional costume. 木屐是荷兰传统装束的一部分。
7 linen W3LyK     
  • The worker is starching the linen.这名工人正在给亚麻布上浆。
  • Fine linen and cotton fabrics were known as well as wool.精细的亚麻织品和棉织品像羊毛一样闻名遐迩。
8 wont peXzFP     
  • He was wont to say that children are lazy.他常常说小孩子们懒惰。
  • It is his wont to get up early.早起是他的习惯。
9 perk zuSyi     
  • His perks include a car provided by the firm.他的额外津贴包括公司提供的一辆汽车。
  • And the money is,of course,a perk.当然钱是额外津贴。
10 technically wqYwV     
  • Technically it is the most advanced equipment ever.从技术上说,这是最先进的设备。
  • The tomato is technically a fruit,although it is eaten as a vegetable.严格地说,西红柿是一种水果,尽管它是当作蔬菜吃的。
11 apparently tMmyQ     
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
12 Ford KiIxx     
  • They were guarding the bridge,so we forded the river.他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。
  • If you decide to ford a stream,be extremely careful.如果已决定要涉过小溪,必须极度小心。
13 irony P4WyZ     
  • She said to him with slight irony.她略带嘲讽地对他说。
  • In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony.从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。
14 strapping strapping     
adj. 魁伟的, 身材高大健壮的 n. 皮绳或皮带的材料, 裹伤胶带, 皮鞭 动词strap的现在分词形式
  • He's a strapping lad—already bigger than his father. 他是一个魁梧的小伙子——已经比他父亲高了。
  • He was a tall strapping boy. 他是一个高大健壮的小伙子。
15 jaw 5xgy9     
  • He delivered a right hook to his opponent's jaw.他给了对方下巴一记右钩拳。
  • A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。
16 dinosaurs 87f9c39b9e3f358174d58a584c2727b4     
n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西
  • The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs. 雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙绝种已有几百万年了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
17 misery G10yi     
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
18 dressing 1uOzJG     
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
19 provocatively ffb2b6d122c9429e7391fd355d10920f     
  • Democracy or dictatorship, the golden ships still hung in the sky and shone provocatively. 民主也好,独裁也罢,那些金晃晃的飞船依然高悬天际,闪熠发光,向我们挑衅。 来自英汉非文学 - 科幻
20 backwards BP9ya     
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。

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