英语听力:自然百科 澳洲野骆驼繁殖成灾
时间:2014-04-28 08:11:07
Camels are not usually associated with Australia, but Australia is home to the largest
herd1 of feral camels in the world. About 12,000 dromedary camels were brought to Australia in the
mid2 19th century to carry people and supplies during the exploration and development of the interior, but after the
advent3 of the
automobile4, they were abandoned and left to
fend5 for themselves. The camels adapted very well on their own. Today, the camels are found
scattered6 throughout the interior, from Western Australia to Queensland. Recent research shows that the total population has reached staggering numbers.
Well, there's in excess of a million camels in Australia, wandering around various
isolated7 outback locations and they are doing significant environmental and
infrastructure8 damage. We estimate the infrastructure damage to be in the vicinity of 14 million a year.
Wherever they go, feral camels leave a trail of destruction, with fences knocked down, waterholes
fouled9 and vegetation stripped bare. Ferguson says camels are quite choosy about what they eat, preferring bush fruits over plain grass. If the population is not
radically10 diminished, it's thought that the camels could
permanently11 destroy Australia's delicate desert
The Australian government is preparing for a camel control program which is now in the planning stages. Cattle ranchers have long been at
odds13 with the roaming camels, which are viewed as competition for grazing areas. About 25,000 camels are killed each year here, and much of the
culling14 is carried out by marksmen in helicopters and on the ground.
And I suppose with the numbers being so high, any that you take off is an improvement to what's already there.
That can't control a population that's exploding.
In South Australia alone we have 200,000 feral camels. That number is projected to double in the next 10 years. The damage they cause to, well, the environment is extraordinary.
The long-term aim is to reduce the camel population by as much as two thirds. It seems the camels, once indispensable in building the outback's infrastructure and delivering supplies, have overstayed their welcome.