
人教版必修一(上)Unit12 listening

时间:2006-11-28 16:00:00



Art and Literature

Listen to the tape and fill the missing1 information below!


“Capital museum, this is Jennifer speaking. How can I help you?”

“Hi, I would like to buy the tickets for the Picasso exhibition. I would like to know when I can go and how much the tickets are."

" Mhm, let me see! The exhibition is open: weekdays 8 am to 6 pm and weekends 4 pm to 8 pm."

"Weekdays eight to six, weekends four to eight. Got it! Thank you! And what about the prices?"

"It's five dollars for adults, three dollars for children and two dollars for groups. Children under 14 do not have to buy tickets."

"Five dollars for adults, three dollars for children, two dollars for groups, I see! How many people do we need to make up a group?"

"At least five."

"I see. Do I have to order the tickets now or can I buy them when I get there?"

"You can buy them here. The exhibition is on the second floor of the museum, hall three."

“Second floor, hall three, thank you!"


"Joana, look here! It says in a newspaper that there will be a Peking opera next week. I love Peking opera. Do you want to go?"

"Mhm, I don't know. When and where is it?"

"Let me see, oh, it's on Thursday at seven pm, at the musical."

"The musical? Where is that?"

"The musical is on Green Street, next to the cinema."

'Thursday at seven, Ok, I think I can go."

"How much are the tickets?"

"Adults pay seven dollars, students five dollars, children under fourteen three dollars, groups four dollars."

"We are students. So that means2 we should pay five dollars."

"Well, you and I are thirteen. So we can get tickets for three dollars."

"Ah, it's good to be young!"


Listen up, theater fans! The Grand3 theater company is proud to present their performance of William Shakespeare4's play: The tempest. The play will be performed at the Grand Theater at seven pm on March third. Don't forget it! Seven pm on March third, the Grand Theater! Tickets go on sail next week. Adults 10 dollars, under eighteen 8 dollars, groups 6 dollars. Don't miss it! It's your chance to experience Shakespeare. That's the Grand theater company, bring you the tempest, at the Grand theater, March third seven pm. Tickets only 10 dollars for adults, 8 dollars if you under eighteen and 6 dollars for groups.



1 missing 3nTzx7     
  • Check the tools and see if anything is missing.检点一下工具,看有无丢失。
  • All the others are here;he's the only one missing.别人都来了,就短他一个。
2 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
3 grand 0fDx4     
  • The pianist played several pieces of music on a grand piano.钢琴家在一架大钢琴上弹了几首乐曲。
  • Come on,I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.跟我来,我带你去后院来一次盛大的旅游。
4 Shakespeare 9i7zjD     
  • Shakespeare is a giant among writers.莎士比亚是作家中的巨擘.
  • He read Shakespeare to help his English.他阅读莎士比亚的作品以提高自己的英语水平。

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