英语听力:自然百科 徒步南非:喀拉哈里大沙漠—5
时间:2014-10-22 08:46:15
Norber witnessed1 all.--How many people?
--It was two hundred all village.
--And you, your family were one of those...
--Yes, I was grown up with my grandmother. You see, at that time, my mother was in
Cape2 Town, and I stayed with my grandmother. And my grandmother take me to Riemvasmaak. It was quite probably. Yes, I was nine years old at that time. As I remember, I was nine years old.
--In 1994, when land was given back to the South Africans, this village was the first bit of land to be returned.
--Returned. That's correct.
--Your village.
--My village. Yes, and I'm really proud of it. And I know that the government tell us that the army, they move from Riemvasmaak, and Riemvasmaak has come back. I was the first one. I say go to the Riemvasmaak.
--But now as an adult, does it make you angry?
--No, no, no, no. It is not my problem. It's not your problem. It's about this time. It's off.
--It's gone.
--It's gone. Let's take hands and go forward.
--What's the future for here?
--Oh, we are still have to grow, you see. But I can see, our income would ** to tourism.
--The potential, you mean.
--The potential, yeah.
--Because I went to the tourist office here. I looked in, but it's closed.
--It's closed? Oh, that's way. There's no facilities? Office you can see it, but it's not working yet.
--Plugged in. This is our problem.
There is no doubting that Riemvasmaak has a hunger for change. Norber Amnarld is
keen4 to attract visitors in the way that many other parts of South Africa have already managed. Just outside of town, on the
route5 of my walk lies the newest toruist development yet. The Hot Spring project lies close to Norber's heart. He remembers his own grandmother
bathing6 in the natural warm waters and was keen to help turn the site into a proper spa