英语听力:自然百科 徒步南非:喀拉哈里大沙漠—9
时间:2014-10-22 08:48:53
…there was a big movement from the consumer side from seeded grapes to seedless grapes and which the UK eaters only talks seedless grapes.
What are we like as grape eaters, are we
fussy1 grape eaters?
Yeah, I think you are a bit too fussy.
What do we like? Why?
You like…In the UK, you like big berries, but green, you don't like yellow on it. So it’s normally a bit sour in our opinion. When in Europe, they can bear smaller berries; we have a bit more of yellow on the skin. And it’s a better taste, it’s sweeter. But yeah, the consumer is obviously always right.
Of course! Of course! Now we’re going to the National Park next. How we getting there?
We got a boat waiting for you at the bottom. And we gonna paddle across it and we could gander into the park.
Excellent! ***
Ok, crocodiles, hippos?
No crocodiles or hippos in here. Legend has it that there’s a big river snake in this part of the river.
Oh, snakes, I do not do.
Well, if you leave the diamonds alone, it probably won’t be a problem for you.
Diamonds? What diamonds?
Well, this river is the…the river takes all the diamonds down to the Atlantic coast, which is very rich in diamonds.
So if I had any paddle in here, I might find some diamonds.
Well, this is the first time I resorted to canoeing on one of my walks. The bridges on this part of the Orange, like tourists, are few and far between. So with people like H* to assist, there’s an opportunity to fashion your own walk. My route now crosses the Orange and enters the Augrabies Falls National Park through the back door. Bizarrely for such a remote area, this was the location for South African’s very first conservation area.