
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-07-31

时间:2015-08-03 07:21:16



 This is AP news minute.

1. Bobbi Kristina Brown dead on Sunday, 6 months after she was found face-down in a bathtub. The 22-year-old was the daughter of the late singer Whitney Houston and singer Bobby Brown. 
2. President Obama began the day in Ethiopia, the last stop on his East African tour. He is meeting with leaders to discuss counter-terrorism, regional security issues and human rights.
3. Search crews of Florida Atlantic coast found the boat belonging to two missing 14 year-old fishermen. The boys were last seen on Friday. 
4. And Iraq government forces captured a university campus after a fierce battle with Islamic State militants1.
Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.



1 militants 3fa50c1e4338320d8495907fdc5bdbaf     
激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 )
  • The militants have been sporadically fighting the government for years. 几年来,反叛分子一直对政府实施零星的战斗。
  • Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets. 尽管如此,巴勒斯坦的激进分子仍然发射导弹。

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